Which Collimation Lens to Choose? A Set of Observations for Your Review
Hey Folks,
Last month, LaserCo pointed me to an LPF thread about a couple new collimation lenses that had recently become available and it got me thinking. Most of the collimation lens information detailed in both PL and LPF tends to be one-off comparisons of one diode with two lenses. I decided to try to take some of the lenses I've accumulated along with DTR's popular lower power diodes and start a rough analysis of which lenses pair best with which diodes. What follows below is the information I accumulated over a couple days of testing.
To be fair, this analysis could certainly have some flaws such as the diode not being centered perfectly, the collimation lens being a poor example, minor temperature variations affecting power output, etc. etc. That said, I tried multiple of each type of collimation lens when I had more than one available (all cases except G2LFL), I kept the temperature, warm up times before reading, modulation voltage and other such things relatively constant between readings. I also went back to the G2 lens that I started with as a baseline at the end of testing each diode to ensure that things hadn't changed output-wise. No consideration was given to long-term durability of the lens (e.g. an acrylic lens with 500mW of 638 going through it) or temperature variations affect on the lenses themselves. In any case, I'd take this as a set of imperfect observations that should be indicative of their performance, although your mileage may vary somewhat.
Also, an apology for the table that follows. I tried uploading 5 proper table types (all of which were refused) and using the table function here in PL. Further that tabs don't exist here, spaces are removed from posts and you end up with the awful looking table below. Hopefully, you'll be able to figure it out just the same.
<edit: here's a screen cap if that helps>
*Note, % is a baseline comparison against the G2 lens*
*Note: Size measurements are all at 20M*
*Note: All beam notes are far-field notes except where noted as near-field"
Beam Pictures
Sorry these pics aren't as clear as they could be. Hopefully you can get the general idea along with my comments above.
Osram PLP520 520nm, 120mW
Oclaro HL63133DG 638nm, 170mW
Mitsubishi ML520G71 638nm, 300mW
Opnext HL63603TG 638nm, 120mw
As I hope you can see from the data above, the G2 and G2LFL lenses are (not surprisingly) high performers, but the surprise was the new AixiZ lens. This is an $8 lens. Compare power and beam results against the G2 at $30 and that should get you thinking. . . The acrylic and other glass lenses shined in a couple areas as well, despite their relatively low power.
Anyway, I hope to further this post with lower power blues and additional lenses that just arrived in the near future. In the meantime, I invite you more knowledgeable folks to point out other considerations people should be aware of as they pair diodes with collimation lenses.
Last edited by dkumpula; 09-08-2017 at 07:49.
Reason: Updated For Latest Single Mode Diode Offerings
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