I'm after some real world experiences of long range laser projection please?
I've been asked to look at whether it might be possible to get a logo onto the side of a mountain, and at the location there are 3 possible targets (sheer flat faces of rock on the mountain), ranging between 900m to 1.2km from the location where the projector would need to be sited.
Power at the location is limited so solid state is going to be the way we're going to have to go if its doable, and the transport options aren't going to stretch to getting a 'scope there either (its across sea and country by road in a van full of PA gear and staging already).
They originally asked for a red logo but I can't realistically see how we'd do that simply and in a reasonable budget, so I've simplified the problem down to 'could we get a logo of any colour onto the mountain'.
I reckon we could get an 8W 532 OPSL there inside the budget, but would that cut it? Certainly the beam specs would be in our favour.
Anyone done this, or even better got any pics of similar stuff to look at so i can get a sense of what might be achievable?