Hi guys,

I'm considering selling this laser I built in 2011 to make room for some newer stuff.

It has got:

  • 1,5W Arctos 650nm red
  • 1W Visasho green
  • 2W blue built using one of Dave's kits
  • DT40s for 5mm aperture

It's built into a sealed, bullet-proof aluminium enclosure. Because of this, it is a tad heavy, but virtually indesctructible. It comes with a flightcase on wheels.

I only have a picture of the internals at the moment, but if there is some interest, I can make some more pics.
Price is to be discussed. I'm open for offers.

Click image for larger version. 

Name:	2014-12-30 11.09.16.jpg 
Views:	106 
Size:	1.40 MB 
ID:	46045
