First off a bit of background.
I'm a newbie to working with lasers and control - I've only started looking into it about a week ago. I'm trying to do something a little bit different than I expect most would want to achieve with laser projects, and I'm not quite sure about the best way to go about it. The way I understand the process so far is that you sketch your patterns frame by frame in some software commercial or open source, save/output as one of multiple formats and push this out to a laser through a DAC of which many are available, the first stuff I came across was Pangolin equipment.
In terms of patterns for projection I'm not trying to do anything fancy, I'm just interested in projecting a single line, and I'd like to change it's length over time. This is likely to be implemented in a straightforward way with a periodic looping animation that has the line growing and shrinking.
What I would like to achieve is to acquire the ability to speed up/slow down the framerate of this animation in real time with commands - I'd like to be able to write some code that talks to a device over TCP/IP so I don't need to be at a terminal. I'm currently in the process of finding software that can help me achieve this. I find it can be a little tricky investigating software with little documentation.
From what I can gather any of these DACs should suit me but those with software may have measures to prevent me from using another suite? I suppose I'm particularly concerned about this with the Pangolin DAC. This isn't necessarily to say I'm doing it on the cheap, I just want to avoid waste.
Ether Dream
Lumax (LaserWorld)
EzAudDac (Sound cards)
Medialas Mamba
Showtacle Fiesta
As for creation of the animation so far I've identified Laserboy as being potentially useful to me but the process seems to be create -> compile -> run. So I'm not sure if I can play around with the framerate at all really. I'm in the process of setting up a virtual machine with Linux Mint to try and play around with OpenLase. If I had a spare $1000 I'd try LD2000 SDK too, as so far that looks to be my best bet. But then I think I might have to buy the QM2000 as well.
I realise this is a very specific application and quite a long winded post but if anyone can point me in the right direction software/hardware wise or even things that I should avoid doing that'd be a great help. I've spent many hours looking in what information is already out there but I understand that what I'm trying to do isn't really what most people would use this sort of stuff for.
Cheers to anyone who can lend a hand.