How to connect Analog green laser 0-5V with 2 cables to modulation + and masse to riya card PCI PRO who has 3 output masse, - and +
" Color outputs include R, G, B, DB, Yellow, and Cyan. These outputs are controlled by six 8 bit dacs.
The outputs are unipolar analog signals, 0 to 2.5V normal output, and 0 to -2.5V inverted output.
The output voltage range is 5 volts peak-to-peak differential.
A differential level of 0 volts produces no color output.
A differential level of +5 volts produces maximum color output.
A differential voltage of +5V occurs if the normal output has a voltage level of +5V with respect to the voltage level of the inverted output. When compared to the ground level of the differential driver, the voltage level of the normal output shall be +2.5V and the voltage level of the inverted output shall be -2.5V.
Differential drivers have three input lines per signal, such as "positive", "Ground" and "negative". The positive and negative lines may float about ground, but will normally be symmetrical.
The color signals use a special differential line driver circuit that can drive a 600 ohm load. The design mimics the performance of a fully balanced transformer based solution. Like the transformer based design, either output can be shorted to ground for unbalanced line driver applications. If both legs are loaded equally, the same voltage level will be found at the positive and negative outputs (example: -1.8V and +1.8V). If the negative output is grounded, then the total signal will be at the positive output (example: 0V and +3.6V).
Red+ pin 5Connector P1 (DB25F)
Red- pin 18Connector P1 (DB25F)
Green+ pin 6 Connector P1 (DB25F)
Green- pin 19Connector P1 (DB25F)
Blue+ pin 7Connector P1 (DB25F)
Blue- pin 20Connector P1 (DB25F)
Deep blue+ pin 8Connector P1 (DB25F)
Deep blue- pin 21Connector P1 (DB25F)
Yellow+ pin 9Connector P1 (DB25F)
Yellow- pin 22Connector P1 (DB25F)
Cyan+ pin 10Connector P1 (DB25F)
Cyan- pin 23 Connector P1 (DB25F)
Ground pin 25Connector P1 (DB25F)"