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Thread: Chinese galvo help: not moving at all

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Feb 2015

    Post Chinese galvo help: not moving at all

    Hey looking for some insight help with this project laser show project I'm working for school. I recently bought this galvanometer:

    and Ishow 2.3 DAC converter and software. I've been tinkering with this project for about a week and can't seem to figure out why won't the galvanometer spin at all, everything is set up correctly. The galvo setup comes with a separate controller board with an ILDA port, which I have hooked to the DAC. The software and drivers are fully installed and the DAC is recognized (Windows XP). Whenever I try to run a short animation from the program, nothing happens. Mirrors are getting power because they make a whining sound when touched.

    Can anyone clue me in on what might be going on? Is there something I'm missing? There was basically ZERO documentation with the salvos, so I'm kinda guessing. Thanks!
    Last edited by casper; 03-19-2015 at 15:09.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    May 2006
    Native Floridian


    I would eliminate the little controller board that came with the scanners, just connect the dac directly to the scanner amps. If still no movement see about finding an oscilloscope to verify you have a signal coming from the dac.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Mar 2013
    Langhus - Norway


    DZ: I beleive there are no Showcard with this galvios, Just the amps.

    Casper: I am not to familiar with the IShow software, but as a longshoot - Have you pressed the button in the software for "enable laser output". In all other software i am using, there are a separate button for this. This is in addition to what you would think is enough to get output.

    Also: I beleive you have to assign the DAC in the software to what "channel" you are sending the output. Most software have the option of several DAC`s and therefore you have to assign the DAC to each channel in order to control what is sent to what DAC.

    Hope some of these tips are helping.
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  4. #4
    Join Date
    Feb 2015


    Click image for larger version. 

Name:	Controller_1.jpg 
Views:	16 
Size:	136.0 KB 
ID:	46647
    Click image for larger version. 

Name:	Controller_2.jpg 
Views:	16 
Size:	133.3 KB 
ID:	46648

    Here is the picture of the Controller board for the galvos. I tried to take a couple shots so you could see all the labeling. I believe the power and x/y are hooked up correctly, but I am unsure what should be in some of the other ports. I know that RO/GO/BO should go to the laser. You can see that I have the ILDA port hooked to the controller... I have been running this to the DAC. I also have the set of DIP switches hooked up, but they don't seem to have an effect.

    Click image for larger version. 

Name:	Galvo_board.jpg 
Views:	14 
Size:	153.5 KB 
ID:	46649
    Click image for larger version. 

Name:	Potentiometers.jpg 
Views:	12 
Size:	91.2 KB 
ID:	46650

    Heres a picture of the Potentiometers that came with the galvanometer kit and X axis galvo board. I am completely lost in where to put these potentiometers, since they didn't provide any source of instructions. I'm assuming they go on the controller board.

    Thanks for your insight and help! It is very appreciated.

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Feb 2015


    @DZ - Yeah I was able to get a connection to the IShow device, but from my current understanding of the software I don't believe there's a separate button for "enable laser output". For some reason the x/y galvanometers doesn't seem to pick up any signal from the software.

    Thanks for the help

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Mar 2013
    Langhus - Norway


    I see that there is a show card involved. That's OK. There is a connection on this card saying "lock". I recon this is the interlock. This must be shorted out with a jumper, keyswich or a panicbutton. Try this first.
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  7. #7
    Join Date
    Feb 2015


    @Datsurb just tested the galvo system with the jumper on lock still can't get a signal to the galvos.
    Last edited by casper; 03-20-2015 at 10:49.

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Aug 2009
    Churchill(hour S from Houston)


    knew you would get some great help here--in most of them once the ILDA is plugged in the card goes to IShow automatically-

    and w/o the DAC hee should be able to get some kind of 'built-in stuff' or sound responce etc- set with the dippys-
    hang in there- these guys wil get you good help-


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  9. #9
    Join Date
    Mar 2013
    Langhus - Norway


    Quote Originally Posted by hakzaw1 View Post
    knew you would get some great help here--in most of them once the ILDA is plugged in the card goes to IShow automatically-

    and w/o the DAC hee should be able to get some kind of 'built-in stuff' or sound responce etc- set with the dippys-
    hang in there- these guys wil get you good help-


    Exact my thought as well. Usually dip 1 or 10 have to be moved either on or off. You have to experiment a little bit to figure out what dip does what.
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