knew you would get some great help here--in most of them once the ILDA is plugged in the card goes to IShow automatically-
and w/o the DAC hee should be able to get some kind of 'built-in stuff' or sound responce etc- set with the dippys-
hang in there- these guys wil get you good help-
BEYOND-FB3/APC40Mamba Black(clone & currently on loan) 2X 5paghetti & 2 I-Show 2X KGB 1000mW 532 DT40K (pair)XFX 1300 RGB full color RGB 30K DIY 3.5WRGB work in progress et al..assorted ttl chi-jectors--LOTS of LUMIA DIY pjs-
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Former (2.5 yrs) ILDA Member- :-(
uncertified ILDA LSO -- dont ask