Believe it or not, I'm sitting here at work bored and lamenting the fact there isn't a lot of good new reading material here on PL so, I figured I'd ask a question.
I really don't know much about it except that the things are stupid expensive and, all the pro companies look down their noses at people with diode projectors and if you're going to be "the shit" you have to have OPSL. Suddenly you're in the world of $50,000 laser projectors. I guess that the advantage is that it's the closest thing to a tight, low mR beam like gas, without all the high power and water constraints. In the end, are they "really" all that much better? Or is it just a lot of prick waving over something that's got marginally better specs? I read about a couple peoples specs and a 3mm beam with 1.5mR divergence still doesn't get me all hot and bothered. Wasn't Edison doing much better than that with diodes? Hell... aren't several people like planters doing better that that with diodes?
How about longevity and what's the chance that as time marches on, they'll drop in price or be replaced by "the next big thing?" Sounds like they can be finicky and they need to be serviced frequently. I'm just sort of wondering if OPSL is really "all that". Never seen one in person.