I have some good debates with a cop that is in a world of warcraft guild, he seems to think that we as citizens have to justify every thing we do or buy to people like him and not wanting to be bothered or harassed by people with his mind set always means we must have something to hide. What is wrong with not wanting to be left alone, more so when i am not doing anything wrong?
I know every one brings up 911 and when i saw that on tv i made a remark to my coworkers that the world as we know it just ended, and sadly i still agree with that statement and the erosion of civil liberties is speeding up. I am at a loss to why people are allowing it to happen, The FBI had it's power taken back when they went nuts over the communist scare, they abused the power that was given to them and now we just give it back and add a bit more.
when i say i weep for the future i literally mean it, the freedoms i had as a child growing up are now gone for the next generation
I don't hide the fact that i don't care for the far left, one thing i have learned about liberals is they want to be liberal with other peoples stuff and they them self are excluded from there very own ideas. But before i get attacked by that view i must say that i dislike the far right as well, i am an independent when it comes to my political views as both sides are corrupt
Remember Remember The 8th of November, When No One Stood, but Kneel, In Surrender
In a popular government when the laws have ceased to be executed, as this can come only from the corruption of the republic, the state is already lost. Montesquieu