pricey! I also forgot about polarization issues w/ an aom.
Thanks y-all for the info.
Astroguy- I LOVE taking things apart (just not things that could be re-sold for quite a bit more than purchased for--so I'm keeping it intact)
Adam- I just do beamshows so high speed isn't really an issue;
a 3d galvo's a good idea-I could maybe pick up a 10K for fairly cheap ..
Carmangary- Thanks for the info.
Astroguy- What makes this beam inferior for shows? As far as I can tell it's TEM00, (random polarization,) the divergence and spot size at 100 ft is right up there with Marconi's. Is there something I'm missing?
These lasers have TEC plus it looks like optical feedback too, and they go for $1700usd ea! I dont think it's a just another toy pointer.
I agree I would do better with a unit that has analog blanking already but I've got this- so instead of parting with 200-300 dollars for another green i'll just go this route for now. Better for the wallet!