I have 2 sets here waiting to be put in projectors and I'll be needing that too. I'll see if i can find anything.
edit, ok just had a look and my best guess is the 2 pin header just above the signal input. You'll see its only got the positive marked on one of the pins (the one nearest the signal input). Scanfail feedback only uses the positive from the amp.
PRobably easiest way to test if you haven't got a scope is to connect a voltmeter to the pin and the signal ground and try displaying an opening and closing circle. IF the average value read goes up and down then this is probably your feedback.
Last edited by norty303; 05-11-2015 at 10:57.
Frikkin Lasers
You are using Bonetti's defense against me, ah?
I thought it fitting, considering the rocky terrain.
Right now received email from Ella (Phenixtechnology). She says those pins are FB signal
Omar, are you pointing to the 3 pin header? I thought that was the differential signal input?
We thought it is the 2 pin header to the left of the 3 pin header
Frikkin Lasers
You are using Bonetti's defense against me, ah?
I thought it fitting, considering the rocky terrain.
I contacted Mimi at Goldenstar who sold me my PT-A40's and she managed to get a manual from Phenix.
I've uploaded it here in case its of use to anyone further.
I'll see if I can get it somewhere else too, like the ftp if that's still used. we could do with a repository for this stuff really, so that we can archive documentation for products that go out of production.
Jors, don't forget, with Guido's board you only connect the + from the scanner feedback to the board, not the negative as well
Frikkin Lasers
You are using Bonetti's defense against me, ah?
I thought it fitting, considering the rocky terrain.
Many thanks Norty,
Sorry but, Why not connect negative Fb?
Fb negative out from PT-A40 driver is G (0v). Is Guido's SF negative input (Fb) also G (0v)??
If so...it doesn't matter if I connect or not feedback negatives, because anyway negatives will be tied together at 0V(G) thru my central (negative) grounding point that goes to ILDA pin 25... isn't it?