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Thread: Introductory post from Vector game enthusiast (Indianapolis)

  1. #1
    Join Date
    May 2015
    Indianapolis, USA

    Default Introductory post from Vector game enthusiast (Indianapolis)

    I've just discovered a few of this community's laser mame displays. And I'm pretty blown away.

    Although actual LASERs are probably a long way off for me–I only comprehend a small fraction of these discussions–I can't help but notice this community has made more progress with actual vector output than the (much-larger, but less technically-proficient) arcade community.

    Cutting to the chase, since there is no MAME support for xy output to actual vector monitors, I'm thinking your mame laser projects are a better starting point for getting xy output to a vector monitor.

    Anyway, I hope to learn a little more and eventually try out this crazy idea. Thanks for listening, Matthew

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Apr 2007
    Costa Rica


    I was thinking about this recently while trying to get LaserMAME back up and running (it's been many years since I tinkered with it). The old vector games used a true XY CRT and the MAME versions of these old games outputs to a raster scan computer monitor. I haven't heard of anyone using LaserMAME to drive a XY vector monitor. Cool idea. Let us know how it works if you try it.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    May 2015
    Indianapolis, USA


    Thanks! I will let you know.

    At the very least I'll pick up the recommended C-media USB converter and inject its AC outputs to a WG6100's deflection amps and see if anything appears on the screen. I figure if I'm lucky it'll just be a matter of correcting the signal a bit. But I figured I'd post here first in case I'm way out-of-whack.

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