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Thread: Shipping Delay Cambridge 6215's

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Aug 2011
    Phoenix, AZ

    Default Shipping Delay Cambridge 6215's

    So I ordered a set of Cambridge 6215's from a reputable USA supplier last December for a projector build, but I am still waiting for these to be delivered. The story I heard is that there is some sort of manufacturing delay at the factory overseas where they make these. As the calender tips into June and revised ETA's come and go, may I respectfully ask, is anyone else experiencing a delay in getting similar scanner orders filled from Cambridge - 6 months or more, or is it just me? I am sure these will be worth the wait when I finally get them, so I am not complaining as good things are worth waiting for. But I do wonder at this point, how can anyone else get these components for their projector builds, or is my situation isolated?

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Jun 2007
    Phoenix AZ


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    Last edited by Laser Wizardry; 11-13-2015 at 12:42.

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