WAY under red powered. You need 4W or more of red for that balance and I'd change to 462nm on the blue looks nice otherwise.
You call it the newest technology. Are these meaningful words? If so, could you please run through the technology. If this is a packing of three colors into one module, then Laserwave has been doing this for years and that is not technology, but rather just a construction technique.
Weak red, no beam shots, no far field test patterns, no pricing... no thank you. So tired of these threads.
If you're the smartest person in the room, then you're in the wrong room.
I disagree. What wavelength combination do you consider optimal?This combination of three wavelength seems great.
The absolute purest and best white I have ever seen was comprised of 640, 532 and 445.
I suspect 520 and 532 to be more interchangeable with producing a nice white than I do 462 versus 445. I don't care for whites for beams made with 462 but, it's nice for abstracts and graphics.
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Distinct whiff of gas in that white !