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Thread: Its starting !!

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Mar 2007
    Rotorua New Zealand

    Default Its starting !!

    Hi Guys,

    Have now got enough bits to start my first green machine. Thought I would post a few pix of the rough up for layout.
    Nothing is 'stuck down' down right now.
    Would appreciate any comments.

    Base plate is 1/4" 2024 left over after I built my plane (wouldn't want to pay for it at todays prices.
    The case is one of those heavy duty road cases. It may have the advantage of keeping things quieter as well.
    It may be possible to rig it with lid down and operating or lid off. Yet to decide.
    Either way the laser area will have a safety cover over it at the laser end.

    Any comments or suggestions before I bolt it down hard would be great.

    Attached Thumbnails Attached Thumbnails DSC00155.JPG  



  2. #2
    Join Date
    May 2007
    Milwaukee WI


    That looks great, I am looking forward to seeing it's progress. Did you have Road Ready custom fabricate a case to fit the Aluminum plate? I am going to do something similar, with a case just about that same size, it'll just be taller, and with wheels.

    Whats the output of the Viasho?

    Also I just would like to add that the aluminum channel that helps keep the case water tight, are notorious for ruining cables, be sure to zip tie them down well away from any hinged areas. (Sorry I may be preaching to the choir, I figure better safe than sorry especially in this hobby!)
    Last edited by mliptack; 05-13-2007 at 01:18. Reason: Additions...

  3. #3
    Join Date
    May 2006
    Norway, Fauske


    I see that you have an fan on the DT40's.
    I thought it unessesarry to have a faan on it. Get better performance without a fan.
    Maby I have missunderstood?

    NICE setup tho

    Pangolin FB3 QS/LivePro/SMS2Laser
    Riya MultiBus
    Pangolin LD2000 Pro

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Jan 2007
    Cupertino, California


    You may want to be careful with the fan on the laser, it allears to be blowing towards the galvos. This could blow dust on the surface.

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  5. #5
    Join Date
    Mar 2007
    Rotorua New Zealand

    Default Ray

    Thanks guys,

    Some good tips there.

    The case is an off the shelf road case actually made in the USA. They are reasonable price here in NZ so must be heaps cheaper in US.
    Yep I noted the sharp sealing edges on the case, I intend to route wiring via mounting sockets on the case body.
    Re the fan on the Galvo. I did read somewhere that the PT40 pro didn't need extra cooling but the user manual from Jian say it helps ... ? I'll have to ask Jian on that.
    I think its the amps he doesn't want extra cooling on or one of the chips on the board will not stabilise to operating temp ?? (bit strange but there you are!)
    .. I'll let you know what he says.

    Good point re the dust on the integral fan with the laser.. I will try to add a deflector, maybe build that into my safety cover.

    By the way the laser is a 1.7 watt (1700mw whopper) running I am told over 1900 mw.. Its like a searchlight and I haven't even gone to full power yet.

    Thanks all..

  6. #6
    Join Date
    May 2007
    Milwaukee WI


    I would try to get a power meter from somewhere if you could just to double check the output of that laser especially before it's warranty is up.

    Yeah Road Ready is the brand case you have, they are fairly cheap here in the US. Make sure you close the latches even when the case is open they have a tendency to get caught on clothing and either rip the clothes or cause the case to fall etc., something you wouldnt want to happen to your laser.

    Once I am ready I am probably going to go with R&R Cases the one pictured on the top left (except I would get it in black). The only downside of R&R cases is sometimes they're made too durable!

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Mar 2007
    Rotorua New Zealand


    Thanks for that.
    The laser is from Aijii and Dave here on PL.. They have a man check them with a meter in China prior to dispatch independently of Viasho and other suppliers as I understand it ( a good quality assurance step). That's where I got the figure of 1900mw + from.
    Hope there is no problem with this process as I have another one on its way.
    Are Viasho known as problematic ?

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Jul 2005
    Flying over a town near you


    Allways a good idea to check yourself with at least 2 different meters. This is important before warranty is out. You may be surprised at your findings....a few others have with a new laser. Not bashing anyone.....but you should check the power output! I love to hear of a laser coming in over spec with good beam quality. It is nice to see manus compete for a quality product at a reasonable ,fair price also.
    You are the only one that can make your dreams come true....and the only one that can stop them...A.M. Dietrich

  9. #9
    Join Date
    Oct 2005
    Melbourne, Australia


    Quote Originally Posted by MechEng3 View Post
    Allways a good idea to check yourself with at least 2 different meters. This is important before warranty is out. You may be surprised at your findings....a few others have with a new laser. Not bashing anyone.....but you should check the power output! I love to hear of a laser coming in over spec with good beam quality. It is nice to see manus compete for a quality product at a reasonable ,fair price also.
    Fair point but again - this laser was measured twice - once by Viasho - the second time by us (in China) before it was shipped out.

    Both times the laser meter showed ~1900mw.

    We understand that people have had issues with Viasho lasers in the past - but this laser is definetly making well over base power.

    Ray- if you want some extra reassurance, please feel free to get the laser measured locally and post the results. I'd love to see them

    We have our own 1.7 watt on the way btw. Should be here next week wooohooo.
    Now proudly stocking and offering the best deals on laser-wave

  10. #10
    Join Date
    Jan 2007


    nice picture,I think you are using sony dsc t100 DC,right??

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