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Thread: Beginning of 10W build

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Apr 2010
    Grand Rapids, Mi

    Default Beginning of 10W build

    Going to try a different approach with this one, build two rgb-> white one in each pole then PBS combine.

    Anyhow built the first proto today, ended up with after optics 1.7W 638, 1.3W 520 and 2.8W 465nm. For the first side, this is tec cooled but only to ambient to avoid condensation issues.

    The 638 is stacked to keep it in on pole.

    Hopefully the the next unit will be build soon this week to test the madness, have to order a couple dichros. Plan to spatial filter the white light.

    Biggest issue is the heat the drivers create at full power with 12V supply.
    Attached Thumbnails Attached Thumbnails image.jpg  



    leading in trailing technology

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Apr 2008
    Amsterdam, NL


    Interesting approach, but you will need twice the dichro's and dichro's got more losses than normal mirrors. did you just kniveedge the reds before the telescope? I always thought the beam needs to enter the telescope exactly in the middle.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Apr 2010
    Grand Rapids, Mi


    Quote Originally Posted by mccarrot View Post
    Interesting approach, but you will need twice the dichro's and dichro's got more losses than normal mirrors. did you just kniveedge the reds before the telescope? I always thought the beam needs to enter the telescope exactly in the middle.
    They are stacked over under so both are in exactly the middle. I shimmed the one mount up the height of the beam, then the mirror prism is set at the height for one to pass over it.
    leading in trailing technology

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