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Thread: Whats a good upgrade

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Apr 2014
    Auckland NZ

    Default Whats a good upgrade

    Hello ive been running pangolin quickshow with 2 fb2s for a few years now.just recently i got my hands on phoenix 4 live and really like what it i was dumb and went out and bought a apc40 mk 2 thinking i could use it on quickshow..but it looks like i will have to upgrade to beyond..has anyone used phoenix and whats your stuck on witch is the best way to go..i really dont want to spend heeps but want midi control
    This is where i put all the lasers i have..and thats a lot..probably not enough space.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Jul 2011


    I am not a Quickshow user but I believe it does midi, check page 103

    Checked this forum:
    post 5

    Some french guy demonstrates:
    In the comments he says that he use:

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Aug 2010


    I tried the Bome's(genuine licensed PRO version) with APC20 and works with QS.

    I got the map file for APC40 from that french guy (Alain Funten)

    But very difficult to configure for controlling the Cue and EFX grid with the launch pads .

    Need to know the actual positions of the cursor where the CUE 'buttons' are lying on your screen (Everything depends from your screen resolution!)

    These coordinates are used by the Bome's to trigger a 'button' on the QS' grid :

    -When you hit a button on your MIDI controller it simulates a click with the mouse on the QS' window (buttons are pre programmed to move the cursor to an assigned coordinate and performs a 'click' )

    Otherwise the QS can't control the CUE or EFX grid only the basic functions that You can see in the MIDI Settings.

    Send him a message probably will send you the MIDI template.

    You can try it with Bome's Translator demo.
    Last edited by epyn; 08-26-2015 at 10:37. Reason: add info,and more info

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Apr 2014
    Auckland NZ


    Thanks Guys..ive had a go at mapping myself but your right its just painful..might have to bite the bullet and buy beyond..
    This is where i put all the lasers i have..and thats a lot..probably not enough space.

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Aug 2010


    Yeah you're right .That is why i stopped lasering.Costs-costs- and more costs.But laser is my elemental i cannot stop.Even i have not budget to lase.Laser is everything. 42! and go Beyond.(i will)

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Jul 2008
    My momentum is too precisely determined :S


    You could use a MIDI remapper program instead of doing horrible things like that.

    APC -> USB midi device -> MIDI remap program -> virtual MIDI device -> QS

    So there are two steps you need to do here.

    (1) Instead of adding the APC as a midi controller in QS, use it as the midi input device of a MIDI remap/routing/... program. This program then converts the MIDI signals from the APC to MIDI signals QS can use.

    (2) Send the altered MIDI signals from the remap program to QS over a virtual MIDI device. There is one freeware device available called LoopBe from This is basically acting like a midi input/output and will show up in all programs supporting midi like a regular MIDI device. So just set it as the output device of the midi remap program and as an input in quickshow and it should work.

    Now, the difficulty is figuring out what values QS expects. I don't have QS but I suspect it uses the keys or notes to trigger cues (there are two main kinds of midi signals you can send: a key (note on/off, pitch, velocity) and a controlchange or CC (which one, value)). Maybe the values are somewhere in some documentation or just figure them out by sending some note signals and see if a cue gets activated. So, once you got that figured out, you can then set the remapping program to send out that note when you press a button on the APC.

    I can't really recommend a good midi remap program since I would write my own in Processing as that would provide me with a lot more control. You could do that as well, if you have the time for it to figure it all out.

    I'm amazed that after all these years, the Quickshow programmers still haven't figured out how to implement MIDI learn

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Aug 2010


    I tried so many useless programs with QS and the AKAI APC20/40:
    midi yoke routers loopbe etc.They didn't work.Only Bome Midi Translator Pro.The Demo as well.

    Have to figure out by yourself the midi if you haven't a useable template but when you get the idea you'll be on the line to go.Just don't forget to enable the laser output
    At least i can help you even with with my bad english knowledge.Softwares don't need native english....

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Jul 2011


    When working with MIDI on a Windows machine, try using midi-ox! It is a great tool for debugging midi. Send custom commands and check the inputs.
    The bome midi translator can translate between different midi messages.

    Try, uding midi ox, to check what you are sending from the apc, use the midi ox to check what inputs QS expect, make a midi to midi map.
    If you are missing som control, check if you can access those from dmx input, might be cheaper with a cheap dmxking dongle and a cheap board than buying beyond.

  9. #9
    Join Date
    Nov 2011
    Bedfordshire, UK


    I'm sure I've seen a midi map for the apc40 on here somewhere for Q'S... Think it might have been posted a while back by Norty?
    But my memory has been known to be faulty in the past, soooo. .. search is your friend :/
    Last edited by WookieBoy; 08-27-2015 at 00:42. Reason: Spellin'
    If in doubt... Give it a clout?

  10. #10
    Join Date
    Apr 2014
    Auckland NZ


    cheers anyway..probably best to upgrade..and then i just hope it works well
    This is where i put all the lasers i have..and thats a lot..probably not enough space.

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