I might be interested in looking at it.
Altho a nice color, I would really give this more thought.
That diode needs to be cooled at 5c , thats cold. and unless
sealed and nitrogen filled or a vacuum, it will condensate.
The other diode up from there and still orangey runs at 10c thats a bit better but still has the same problem with divergence. Plan on spending at least 100USD for optics to get it reasonable. it still wont look like ours tho but close depending on how multimode it is.
The other one at 632 will be easier to manage because of higher operating temp and slightly lower divergence which is strange cause the emmiter size is still the same.
Yeah, Ive been studying these for a long time. about 3years.
And I still havnt the heart to spent 900 bucks to find they wont be any good for graphics , beam shows , YES.
As far as something handheld..It will be a battery eater but doable with D cells. And it would be something no-one else has.
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*^_^* aka PhiloUHF