all my fonts are double thickness if that makes sence. does anyone know or have a font that is just a single line??
all my fonts are double thickness if that makes sence. does anyone know or have a font that is just a single line??
Eat Sleep Lase Repeat
What system you need your fonts to be in. I think I have some font's that are single line.
I hired an Italian guy to do my wires. Now they look like spaghetti!
Mamba has some single line fonts (at least one)... These are special fonts from Medialas.
well mine uses the fronts from MS word.
i ahve installed some new fonts but it displays everything double thickness still
Eat Sleep Lase Repeat
Sounds like your software traces the fonts you have so there may not be anything you can do about it.
poo DAC, im so gona upgrade when i have the cash
Eat Sleep Lase Repeat
Well, unless you need to type the stuff in real time you could always create the text in ILDA files with some other program and then use them that way.
but what program???
Eat Sleep Lase Repeat
LDS or Phoenix Demo.
Demo only limits laser output but rest of the software if fully functional. Picture Editor can import and export ILDA.
I hired an Italian guy to do my wires. Now they look like spaghetti!
can i make the wording in those program and just save it as an .ild file so i can play it on my software?
Eat Sleep Lase Repeat