Cool rig, allthat! Not having messed with water systems myself, I'm curious about the noise... is the liquid rig more noisy, or actually quieter than just using fans inside the case?
My Opty 170's got pretty much the same stepping! CCBBE 0615 EPMW. Newegg had the right steppings at the right prices late last year. Replaced the 3200+ in my recording machine, and love it. No water setup, but the stock heatsink has some serious merit! Definitely heavy duty.
I'm about to give it a slight overclock, but with more emphasis on stability than running at the limit. Toward that goal, I've found two combinations of numbers that should work nicely. Depending on which combo gets used, the 170's 10X multiplier allows for either a .4 or .5GHz increase, while running the RAM and HT at near stock values. Just a stroke of luck how the math worked out, as it's better for this particular machine to keep the memory timings tight.
MSI 6600GT AGP, 2 X 512 Corsair Value (don't laugh... hehe... it's actually great stuff for the money!) My two main music apps are multi-threaded, so they can make good use of the dual core.
All in all, Opteron's are fantastic chips.
Edit: Some more specs.
1 X IDE WD 250 gig special edition (system)
2 X SATA '.7 Barracuda 250 gig drives (data)
1 X SATA Plextor 712SA
Antec Plus 1080AMG w/Truepower 430W - looking to eventually get a pcp & p 510.
Last edited by PNjunction; 06-10-2007 at 12:50.
Alas, poor diode. I fried him well.