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Thread: copper vapor show pics.

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Jun 2007
    northern maine.

    Default copper vapor show pics.

    we got some nice bounce mirror patterns at this show.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Oct 2006
    Central Florida

    Thumbs up

    That's a NICE yellow... looks "pure".
    Love, peace, and grease,

    allthat... aka: aaron@pangolin

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Dec 2006


    sure looks nice and a little unusual. What about some pics of the gear?

  4. #4
    Join Date
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    northern maine.


    i don't have a digital camera but we are running a pulslight yellow raptor three watt projector and controlling with pangolin using live pro.we use a wireless set up and talk to the main computer with a laptop.this is cool because we get the sweet spot for the shows.
    the venue in the pics gave an opportunity for a nice symetrical bounce pattern.

    mirror setup falls to me while my partner is the computer savvy one.
    we are a good fit.
    one time we were doing a warehouse party and we had two larger lasers fail in set up.
    i ended up using a lumalaser beam box and turned it to the wall where i had mounted nine mirrors in a pattern fifty feet wide.we had a df50 hazer going and got a phenomenal result especially considering that what lumalaser calls a 50mw beambox is actually 25mw each of red and green.

    if you check a couple threads down you will see a question from me regarding some extraneous light we are getting out of our projector.
    i'm trying to figure if there is anything we can do ourselves about this.
    neos has told us we should ship the pcaom to them for evaluation.
    i have sent my buddy this article
    he knows the setup but mabye the blanking info in section b will help our problem.
    well,i am running on.
    i like this site.
    Last edited by wes; 06-13-2007 at 09:05.

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Jan 2006
    Charleston, SC


    Love the pics of the copper vapor laser beams. One of these days I need to get with Clandestiny at one of his shows when he fires one up. (He's got some monsters; I think his smallest one is rated at 40 watts!)

    Very pretty yellow though! Looking great.

    How big is that venue? Looks like a pretty good sized club, just not that many people in it... (Private party, or early in the night maybe?)


  6. #6
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    northern maine.


    omg!! 40 watts!
    i'd love to see that.
    it was a pretty big room but the event was on three floors of the hotel.
    the room was never packed but got a pretty good crowd by the end of the night.
    we drove a hundred or so miles and when we got there i discovered i had forgotten the cross pieces for our scaffolding.
    luckily there was a room full of old resturant stuff and i built a platform from tables shimmed with rubber bartop mats.
    also,we were on the third floor and there was no elevator. i love the copper vapor but damn it's heavy.


  7. #7
    Join Date
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    Charleston, SC



    Yeah, 40 watts. And that's the small one. I don't remember what the two larger ones are rated at, but I know it's way over 100 watts each. I wouldn't want to have to move it though.

    Speaking of large heads, you should have seen the 9 ft long Kr/Ar head that Clandestiny brought to our Florida gathering... He didn't power it up - just brought the head so we could see it. It was rated for 18 watts of whitelight! Monsterous! the PSU ran off 480 volt 3 phase at nearly 100 amps per leg. 9.5 GPM of water cooling too. (Sheesh!)

    Ugh - 3rd floor gig and there's no elevator? How'd that get missed in the pre-event planning? I know I'd have been pissed! (It's bad enough when you've got a long push to get to the stage area, but going up two flights of stairs? Yuck!)

    Still, sounds like it went well. The pics sure look great!


  8. #8
    clandestiny's Avatar
    clandestiny is offline Eleventy-Billion Watt Ar/Kr >:)
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    Nice pics, these are nice units. They are some kind of spinoff from spectronica, in fact i believe the factories are across the street fron each other. They do make a 40 watt model- about 50 grand U.S. ... That is better
    than 150 to 200 grand from oxford. These are great plug and play setups.
    I may have power, but I can"t just plug and play I assure you. I wouldn't mind one or two of these-
    go big or go home

  9. #9
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    northern maine.


    the guy we dealt with in bulgaria was ivan and he was in on the development of these cubrs with a nato peace program.
    i was so worried when i wired the money.
    we had been in regular email contact but as soon as i wired the money his email went down,unbenownsts to me.
    we have been really happy with this and using live pro makes our shows much better than what elas is happening in town.
    of course we always have bounce mirrors going.
    having the different point sources and geometry really helps keep it fresh.

    i am getting extraneous light out of this projector though.
    the light appears as a circle of somewhat faint light with the selected beam on the edge of this circle in the lower right quadrant(looking at the laser head on.

    this is most visible with the orange/yellow beam as you can clearly see the green fringe on the beam and most problematic when targeting mirrors as the fringe bypasses the mirror.

    we talked to neos and the guy said we should send the pcaom in for evaluation but i don't want to if i don't have to.

    i'm going to clean the optics next time my partner brings the computer over ans see if that will help.
    my partner says it is ok to clean the front of the laser head with alchohol as long as you don't touch it with your hand.
    is this true ?
    it looks dirty a little.

    pardon my ignorance here but could the blanking input adjustments fix this or should we leave them alone.

    any suggestions?
    btw,are your big cubrs originally cutting lasers?
    do you use them for shows ever?
    how DO youy use them?
    Last edited by wes; 06-15-2007 at 19:21.

  10. #10
    clandestiny's Avatar
    clandestiny is offline Eleventy-Billion Watt Ar/Kr >:)
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    somewhere between orlando and san antonio


    these units have a decent 7mm beam which means you can use the custom neos pcaom it shipped with. unfortunately i dont have that option as my units have a larger beam diameter. i am stuck with dichros and some custom blanking i have cooked up.
    none the less-
    Your problem sounds like a minor alignment issue. I wouldn't screw with the neos at all at this point. ( At All )
    I dont have an idea as to your background with lasers but here are a few thoughts
    I would remove the cover of the optical area and view the beam as it passes
    through. If you do not have saftey goggles for the copper wavelenghts wear a good pair of mirrored sunglasses to protect your eyes. dont get too close, or you can get hurt real fast. Hopefully you can find your overshoot that way. You may have to defeat the interlocks and remove the cover comletely to do this. If this is the case- only use one hand on the laser to
    make adjustments at any time. Touch nothing in the laser cavity itself.
    If you can take pictures of the laser inside- both on and off - post them here
    and we should be able to help you.
    At this time I do not believe the neos is at fault. dont touch or attempt to clean it.
    you can however clean the front window with plain windex.
    Last edited by clandestiny; 06-15-2007 at 19:36.
    go big or go home

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