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Thread: Pesident Clinton

  1. #91
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    Now, is global warming caused by human CO2 emissions a conspiracy theory?
    I, for one don't think so. I do think it is politically prejudiced science with shaky predictions based on evidence that we continue to learn is modified or selected to prove a preconceived conclusion. I spend some of my time hanging around academia and it is clear that the short route to funding is to relate your research to global warming becomes climate change becomes extreme weather becomes... NOAA and the National Science Foundation have a lot of money and an agenda. You don't want your professorship or tenure or funding threatened by questioning the "prevailing view".

    Assuming the idiot prince doesn't somehow get to start his dark kingdom and Hillary does end up being the 'any port' then she'd better pay attention to the near half of democrats and most of republicans who want that change.
    Michelle is the idiot prince
    Chelsea is the idiot prince
    Hillery is the idiot prince
    Both George and Jeb are idiot princes.

    But, you liked the term and so commandeered it. I think everyone else understood what was meant. By the way, if three quarters of the electorate want change they will not be voting for Hillery. Very few republicans will be voting for Sanders. Some republicans oppose Trump so strongly they will be voting for Hillery (mostly the elites and the donor class). A lot of democrats may end up voting for Trump especially if Sanders route to the White house seems hopeless.

  2. #92
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    Quote Originally Posted by ghosttrain View Post
    prejudiced towards illegal immigrants. Except he hasn't.
    That's the whole deal, the media has been very effective at misquoting what he says and repeating the lie so many times almost everyone believes it.
    I have heard the man speak in person. The whole speech. And I still think he is prejudiced. (Racism is prejudice.) I'll grant you that some media outlets have carved up his speeches to make them sound even worse, but they sounded mighty cringe-worthy to me in their un-cut state.

    0:18 "When Mexico sends its people, they're not sending their best...they're sending people that have lots of problems and they're bringing those problems with them: they're bringing drugs, they're bringing crime, they're rapists, and some, I assume, are good people..."
    Yeah, first - "They are sending..." Ahh, no. These people are not "sent" from Mexico, they are choosing to come here (albeit illegally). Then the part where "they're bringing drugs, crime, et al". Uhhh, OK, I'm sure a few of them do, but he makes it sound like a pending epidemic. And finally, the coup de grace, "and some - I assume - are good people." Just some of them? Really? That's the best light you can cast them in? Not that most of them are *fleeing* from crime and corruption and want nothing more than to find work and better themselves?

    I've met a few illegals. (We have many here in Charleston, and their numbers are growing.) Hard working, skilled, and very polite. Haven't found any on drugs so far. (Granted, my sample size is small...) I will also admit that I'm conflicted about their presence, but I am not going to demonize them just for fleeing their country. If you get a chance to speak to one, ask for stories about their home town. You might be shocked at what you hear. (I was.)

    I wouldn't mind if we talked about Bernie a little. Does he have any chance against Hillary at this point?
    In my opinion, no. (Sadly) Sure, if you look on the web you see all sorts of pundits saying that "statistically Bernie still has a chance", but that really sounds like people grasping at straws to me.

    The bottom line is that Hillary is way ahead, and will almost certainly clinch the nomination. Which sets us up for the Clinton-Trump showdown that people have been talking about. (Unless the Republican party really does manage to hold Trump to fewer than 1237 delegates and then decides to pull some last-minute shenanigans at the convention.)

    It's a shame, really. I would have liked to see Bernie do better. But, alas, it's looking like he will lose to Hillary...

    Quote Originally Posted by planters View Post
    I spend some of my time hanging around academia and it is clear that the short route to funding is to relate your research to global warming becomes climate change becomes extreme weather becomes... NOAA and the National Science Foundation have a lot of money and an agenda. You don't want your professorship or tenure or funding threatened by questioning the "prevailing view".
    Do you honestly believe that all the scientists who support anthropomorphic global warming are doing so just because it helps their funding?

    I have no doubt that some are guilty of this (just as people on the other side of the issue, few though they may be in academia, may be equally guilty of this), but to claim that 97% of the papers published between 1991 and 2011 were fraudulent is quite a whopper...

    if three quarters of the electorate want change they will not be voting for Hillery.
    Well, given that they probably won't be able to vote for Sanders anyway, that's true. The real question then is whether Trump represents too much change for that 3/4 to swallow or not.

    Very few republicans will be voting for Sanders.
    Even if he got the nomination, that's true. But right now it looks like no one will be voting for him...

    Some republicans oppose Trump so strongly they will be voting for Hillery (mostly the elites and the donor class).
    I don't know about that. Hillary has a *huge* collection of baggage (rightfully earned, in my opinion) that would seem to put off nearly any Republican voter. Hell, she's even off-putting to some Democrats!

    A lot of democrats may end up voting for Trump especially if Sanders route to the White house seems hopeless.
    And this is why a Hillary-Trump showdown promises to be one hell of a circus, if nothing else. At least with a Sanders-Trump match-up we would have an interesting race, and some very interesting debates.


  3. #93
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    If I illegally cross the Lithuanian border frontier by hiking thru the mountains, I bloody well expect that I will be deported, I've been there. While their customs folks are nice, they are also professional.. Even helped me unload my luggage from the tiny SAS plane. However there was no leaving the country till I paid my weeks worth of Employment Taxes at the airport.. They made that pretty clear...Simples.. and it works.
    Why my nation cannot accomplish this simple task of Border Sovereignty, I cannot understand... Why we need 75,000 pages of Tax Code, I'll never understand. I think most of us are now wishing for "None of the Above" as a third choice on the ballot. If "mighty" Lithuania can do it, we can too..

    However, I will take Trump for at least he has ran a business or two, as well as experienced partial business bankruptcy. That and the fact that he spends a lot of his own money running.... PS, Dear Republican Party, Your trying to throw away a potential landslide majority to replace Trump with an "insider" is even crazier...

    ~ If only someone with undisputable character would run..

    So some characters with character..
    That Said: For the Republicans I propose they run:
    Kirk and Spock... Kobayashi Maru... What more needs to be said...
    For the Democrats
    Wellll... Bazinga, unless Josiah Bartlett is around...
    Even the Republican Party leadership publically admired the imaginary Bartlett character...

    If you think I intend this post as tongue in cheek humor, your correct...
    ~ Both major candidates are well.. Whacked Wicked Crazy.....
    ~Just say NO to Socialism...
    Attached Thumbnails Attached Thumbnails Josiah_Bartlett_with_chair.jpg  




    Last edited by mixedgas; 03-18-2016 at 07:10.
    Qui habet Christos, habet Vitam!
    I should have rented the space under my name for advertising.
    When I still could have...

  4. #94
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    Tsk can't have simple tax, can you imagine? Would actually have to pay it</management>
    Dynamics/EasyLase LC/FD820/RGB 400mW Homebrew w/EMS4ks

  5. #95
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    Quote Originally Posted by buffo View Post
    I have heard the man speak in person. The whole speech. And I still think he is prejudiced. (Racism is prejudice.)
    The point is you can't say someone is racist if he is not prejudiced towards a group of people who form a race or an ethnic group. Illegal immigrants are not a race nor an ethnic group like jews, therefore he is not racist. As for whether he is prejudiced, more on that below.

    Yeah, first - "They are sending..." Ahh, no. These people are not "sent" from Mexico, they are choosing to come here (albeit illegally).
    This wording does not have anything to do with him being prejudiced. Look, I'll agree he could word it better. Obviously you're right, not every illegal immigrant is crossing the border because someone sent him to smuggle drugs or something similar, and not even the majority, I'd assume, but I still don't see this speech showing what a racist or prejudiced he is. Maybe I'm prejudiced myself. I don't think I am, I think US is and always has been a country of immigrants.

    That's the best light you can cast them in? Not that most of them are *fleeing* from crime and corruption and want nothing more than to find work and better themselves?
    Again, I agree, it could be maybe be worded better, but you see so many people even intelligent like Planters support him still. Why? Because people are fed up with political correctness sissies and bought politicians. He may be on the other side of the extreme by being so insensitive, but seems like that's what people want because they're fed up with the other opposite. And for me personally, I don't mind it myself one bit. Most of my family are in the US as immigrants.

    And you think so many people are fleeing from crime and corruption, yet those criminals which are obviously so many since crime is so plenty as you said aren't crossing the border too? You could argue they are a small percentage, but even that is a lot of criminals.

    I've met a few illegals. (We have many here in Charleston, and their numbers are growing.) Hard working, skilled, and very polite. Haven't found any on drugs so far. (Granted, my sample size is small...) I will also admit that I'm conflicted about their presence, but I am not going to demonize them just for fleeing their country. If you get a chance to speak to one, ask for stories about their home town. You might be shocked at what you hear. (I was.)
    Sure, so have I. But the point is, he never said all of the illegal immigrants are not good people. He could have emphasized it more and said "many of them are good people" instead of some, but he did in the end say that he is not talking about everyone, which disqualifies him from being prejudiced as well.
    I'm pretty sure I've heard him since that speech explain himself better but I don't feel like digging through videos again, sorry.

    In my opinion, no.
    So who is it going to be for you, buffo? Trump or Hillary? I mean you have to have somebody until Kanye becomes president.

    It's a shame, really. I would have liked to see Bernie do better. But, alas, it's looking like he will lose to Hillary...
    Same here.
    Last edited by ghosttrain; 03-18-2016 at 14:42. Reason: double negative

  6. #96
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    So who is it going to be for you, buffo? Trump or Hillary?
    I can't speak for Adam, but consider this- what candidate is more qualified to occupy the White House than the only one who is already intimately familiar with every bedroom, bathroom, and broom closet in the place?

    Heck, she probably left some stuff behind in the attic years ago, figuring that she'd be back again someday...

  7. #97
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    That got me wondering, if Hillary is president, what does that make Bill?

  8. #98
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    First Gent? This is going to take some work

  9. #99
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    Quote Originally Posted by ghosttrain View Post
    That got me wondering, if Hillary is president, what does that make Bill?
    i think it would be madam president and mr. president.
    suppose you're thinkin' about a plate o' shrimp. Suddenly someone'll say, like, plate, or shrimp, or plate o' shrimp out of the blue, no explanation. No point in lookin' for one, either. It's all part of a cosmic unconciousness.

  10. #100
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    Do you honestly believe that all the scientists who support anthropomorphic global warming are doing so just because it helps their funding?
    No, not all. But I have been in discussions where it is ABSOLUTELY UNDERSTOOD that you don't point out the naked emperor. It's a lot like a conservative in Hollywood. What is more important, your political views or being hired and remaining employable? Academia is toxic for those that disagree with the agenda of the funding sources. The competition for money and appointments is fierce. Not everyone survives. Science is much more corrupt than the lay person would dream.

    I don't know about that. Hillary has a *huge* collection of baggage (rightfully earned, in my opinion) that would seem to put off nearly any Republican voter. Hell, she's even off-putting to some Democrats!
    I'm looking for it, but there is a billionaire, health care exec in Florida that days before Jeb threw in the towel, stated that Jeb's campaign looked hopeless and he was shifting his support to Hillery. The Washington elite care little for the particular party. They want someone they can control/buy.

    Why my nation cannot accomplish this simple task of Border Sovereignty, I cannot understand... Why we need 75,000 pages of Tax Code, I'll never understand. I think most of us are now wishing for "None of the Above" as a third choice on the ballot. If "mighty" Lithuania can do it, we can too..
    Steve, that's a rhetorical question, no? We all know why. The people CURRENTLY in power don't want to and a tax code that is unreadable allows the corrupt IRS to threaten without the victim having any clear defense.

    Based on the Soros (among others) funded violence against Trump's rallies and the threat against Trump towers, I think he should select Cruz as his running mate sooner rather than later. It would sow up the nomination and who's going to shoot Trump then? Hmm?

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