I have itop DAC ( silver star ), it was working fine with a laser projector i just sold ..now i am trying to get it to work on another projector I just built and its driving me up the wall.
THE PROBLEM I HAVE IS NO BLANKING ! its working great apart from i cant get sodding blanking to work. I am using a viasho single 532nm laser set to + TTL Blanking ...... ( so that gives me wire with single centre core (+) and outer core either (-) or ground ?
This set up has 30k scanners ... they have two amps and each amp has two wires ... one with red line on it other no red line. So thats X+ and X- and also Y+ and Y- . K thats seems to fine , got them wired to pins as i beleive is normal .... pins 1,2,14,15 ...now i have tried variations on pins 3,16 ( intensity) and also 6,19 ( G+ & G- ) to no avail for blanking .. i just dont understand why its not blanking ... you got any clues ?
Somehting tells me i should try X- , Y- , pin 25 and pin 16 all connected together and wired back to both amps chassis ( as grounding )........... is that waayyyy off base ?