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Thread: What happened: 2016 edition.

  1. #41
    Join Date
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    Default Gratitude is an action

    I would be open to increasing my monthly donation as well as kicking in an initial lump sum.

    This forum is invaluable and my life would be a bore without it.

    With no disrespect intended:


  2. #42
    mixedgas's Avatar
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  3. #43
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    Quote Originally Posted by discothefunkyhippo View Post
    I would be open to increasing my monthly donation as well as kicking in an initial lump sum.
    Agreed, I want to pay $15/month instead of just $10. I don't think $15/month is egregious.
    If you're the smartest person in the room, then you're in the wrong room.

  4. #44
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    You guys must have deep pockets. Obviously lasers are an expensive hobby but A LOT of us on here are building budget laser projects. Some of us are even just excited for the day when we can save up enough to start our own project instead of just reading about them. Some can't even afford netflix. Is PL to become a rich people only forum? I want to contribute but I can't commit to a monthly bill. Does that mean I can't participate in the community? Does that mean I don't have valuable things to add to the discussion? I really think crowdfunding is the way to go. No one else thinks that's a viable solution?

  5. #45
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    Quote Originally Posted by daderaide View Post
    You guys must have deep pockets. Obviously lasers are an expensive hobby but A LOT of us on here are building budget laser projects. Some of us are even just excited for the day when we can save up enough to start our own project instead of just reading about them. Some can't even afford netflix. Is PL to become a rich people only forum? I want to contribute but I can't commit to a monthly bill. Does that mean I can't participate in the community? Does that mean I don't have valuable things to add to the discussion? I really think crowdfunding is the way to go. No one else thinks that's a viable solution?
    Contribute when you can, or don't. That is the beauty of this forum. That is exactly what the Admin was talking about. He hasn't locked down anything on this forum to only paying members. If you look, there are no ads on this forum, you can post right away in the buy/sell area. You can post links in your very first post. Few forums do this. We were just trying to think of multiple ways, for those who can afford to pay more, to be able to pay more. I would like to contribute more but right now there are only two sub options. One of the options, I can afford but I feel it is not enough. The second option available, I just can't afford. So, this is why I would like to see more payment options.

    And certainly you can still participate. 98% of the members here don't contribute for one reason or another (monetarily, that is). There's nothing wrong with that. It's not a pissing contest!
    Last edited by absolom7691; 06-01-2016 at 15:04.
    If you're the smartest person in the room, then you're in the wrong room.

  6. #46
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    Sorry to be the party pooper

    I really don't a get few things .. firstly why are those that currently subscribe willing to pay more ... we should be encouraging those that don't contribute ( but who can ) to help out ... even if it amounts to $5 a year each ( not saying it is a requirement but every little helps ) perhaps we should be asking those that post a "For sale" on the "Buy and sell" threads should make a $5 donation as a requirement

    Secondly the current subscriptions amount to $3200 per year .... why is that not enough ? i'm fairly certain it should be plenty enough based on current hosting prices

    We only have a couple of hundred active members and its not a massive site as far as data storage goes compared with a lot of today's data hungry websites that have photos in nearly every thread

    maybe i'm missing something ... until Robert comes back with some actual running costs i'm not prepared to donate more than the current amount...

    All the best


  7. #47
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    Quote Originally Posted by Banthai View Post
    ...perhaps we should be asking those that post a "For sale" on the "Buy and sell" threads should make a $5 donation as a requirement...
    I think that would limit too much, especially if people are offing something for cheap or just the price of shipping. I am with DSLI_Jon on this one... Set it up so you have to have a paid sub to put links in your signature. That way, those that run a "business" have to contribute if they want their links in every post. Sure, this can be circumvented by just copy and pasting into every post but even that will have some moral effect, I would think. It would also be obvious to forum members too and they might avoid buying from said vendor.
    If you're the smartest person in the room, then you're in the wrong room.

  8. #48
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    Double post ..............
    Last edited by Banthai; 06-01-2016 at 22:47.

  9. #49
    Join Date
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    Quote Originally Posted by Banthai View Post
    Secondly the current subscriptions amount to $3200 per year .... why is that not enough ?
    Yea, I am currently stuck on this and that doesn't include donations that are from leftover SELEM fees. Maybe it does cost that much and more but I don't get it. So, until there is some transparency into what the costs are I don't have an inclination to donate anything. I know it sounds ungrateful but I'm just being honest. I am glad that others are willing to foot the bill so that I don't have to worry about it, though. Have at it.

  10. #50
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    Santa Cruz, CA


    Quote Originally Posted by Banthai View Post
    Sorry to be the party pooper

    I really don't a get few things .. firstly why are those that currently subscribe willing to pay more ... we should be encouraging those that don't contribute ( but who can ) to help out ... even if it amounts to $5 a year each ( not saying it is a requirement but every little helps )
    First of all the personal motivation to donate more or not donate at all is just that, personal, and it really is none of your concern.

    Second, donating more does not discourage people to donate. From my perspective people who see other people donating more and think to themselves "oh things are fine without my contribution" probably wouldn't donate anyway. I think when people see other people donating they become more willing to donate themselves.

    To the crowdfunding point.. We essentially have been talking about crowdfunding this entire time. We are the crowd...


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