Exactly what the title says... How do you?
It came up in a thread, somewhere areound here that you should warm your lasers up before running a "show" or they may not blank to their fullest power. I see that it works, if I don't warm mine up the green seems weak and even the blue doesn't seem to get it brightest, the maxyzmod just runs well no matter what.![]()
I used to warm mine up by unhooking the ILDA plug from my projector, making a 2 pin plug and running it from the 5 volt output on the lasever green and hooking that to the 2 pins on my ILDA plug on the projector that blank my green. When unplugged, the blue TTL would come on, but the analog green needed the 5 volt to "lase". I would leave em on for 5 to 10 minutes, unhook the 2 pin plug, plug the ILDA cable into the projector and off I went. Seems like a lot just to warm them up. They my green died and David/Lasever stated that I may have ESD'd the green using this method, but swapped my green out for my anyway. I think we both agreed "I could have" but weren't 100% so being a good seller he hooked me up.
Now... I'm not sure how to warm my lasers up before playing. I "think" I have found a solution, it works, but I wanted to ask y'all for other methods. I have been opening the "Laser Media test" and opening the color pallete settings and using "high power", leaving it for 5 to 10 minutes and then playing. I assume this test has no blanking points so the lasers will be going 100% using the "high power" pallette setting.I hope... IS this reasonable?
So what'd y'all do to warm your lasers up?