I am in the process of building my projector. I have a 20Kpps scanning system that I purchased from Lasershowparts.com but I don't have any software. What is the best software for the money?
I am in the process of building my projector. I have a 20Kpps scanning system that I purchased from Lasershowparts.com but I don't have any software. What is the best software for the money?
Gotta agree with Adam above. For the money, the Pangolin LA FREAK package offers the best value in my opinion. Of course, you have to contact Bill Benner directly at Pangolin to order it, but it's worth it.
PS: Welcome to PhotonLexicon, Clutch Cargo! Hope you like it here. Where are you located?
Ill third the Pangolin software. We bought a few FB3's a while ago because we could run LivePRO with them. This new software is a bonus
KVANT Australian projector sales
Lasershowparts- Laser Parts at great prices
I just ordered the FB3's from Pangolin. I think this will fit perfectly inside my small "sms2laser" box and also get the LivePRO software. This is a really HIGH quality softwareLook here for more info regarding LivePro.
I use LivePro on my LD2000 and it is rocksolid software. So this is an BONUS to get live pro with the FB3.
Remember: LivePro (Only software) is priced to: $695
FB3 is priced to : $500 with LivePro software
This is a really good deal!!
Video of LivePro in use.
Picture of FB3 (pretty small huh??!)
Pangolin FB3 QS/LivePro/SMS2Laser
Riya MultiBus
Pangolin LD2000 Pro
OK in the professional class, anything Pangolin or if your a multimillionaire, Lasergraph DSP.
In my opinion,
Pangolin livepro+ a flashback =~500$
Pangolin Intro, ~1600.
in the cheap but good class
Norm's laser Show, ~30$ or so on ebay , 8 bit
Mamba Black, ~175$ minus output device. You can build your own 8 bit device for about 40$
In the free class, to get you going, a decent soundcard and do a search on google groups for lissajous.exe, which actually is quite a decent little program.
Steve Roberts
Hey everyone, thanks for the info.
I am in Weatherford, Texas.
WOW! That's a hell of a great deal on Mamba Black! The price list I have says 299 euros, which is just over 400 bucks. Then you've got to pay insured shipping from Germany on top of that. (They insure it because if you loose the dongle, you can't run the software.)
Where are you buying Mamba Black from for so cheap? (And why didn't I know about it before I bought it last year for full price from Medialas?)
I would of cuz recommend Lasergraph but because it's base on industrial hardware it's expensive as .........