Hey, Adam -
Hello, and thanks for the quick reply and warm welcome!
I hear you on the costs - I figured it was going to be a bit pricey, which is why I'd rather buy in the USA if quality components are available - I'd MUCH rather spend the money on the product, and not on lousy US currency exchange rates and shipping costs! I've got a one-time "mad-money" account that's going to give me between $2k-$3K to get started, and I want to make the most of it! Basically, I want everything I can afford up front that will keep me lasing happily for a while!
As far as control software and MIDI implementation - I'm interested in synching the show with existing MIDI software as the timing source (Sonar), and perhaps manipulating some effects in real-time using a MIDI controller. All show design would be from within the software. Being able to use my existing Windows XP laptop is a must, which is why I am leaning towards the Mambo Black USB package from MediaLas - but I'm open to suggestions!
As far as scanners and controllers, I would like an "affordable" X-Y combination that would get at least a 20-30K scan rate. I figure I can add effects (beam splitters, choppers, grate wheels) as I go.
Laser - again, looking for the most bang for the buck! I definitely want something that's going to last a few years under normal hobby use, and figured a green analog modulated diode module would be my best bet. The beam effects I'm looking for are more in the line of "wow, I see them" versus the "Holy sh**" you might get with the true high-power professional setup. I figured 100-200mW to start, but again, open to suggestions!
Concerning the SELEM meet - I would love to attend, but unfortunately I'm tied up elsewhere right now (deployed to the Middle East, and won't be around until later in the fall). However, if there's a newsletter or mailing list to join, I'd really like to get in on it!
Thanks again!
Metrologic HeNe 3.3mw Modulated laser, 2 Radio Shack motors, and a broken mirror.