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Thread: SELEM is *ON* for 2007.

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Jan 2006
    Charleston, SC

    Smile SELEM is *ON* for 2007.

    Hi folks;

    Just got a message from from Reggie Helton at the auditorium at the Newton Connover Civic and Performance Place. He confirmed that they've got 3 phase power, and that we can use it. There's only one sticking point. The board of directors wants him to have a licenced electrician to handle the connecting and disconnecting of any 3 phase power equipment. So, either we fax a copy of someone's licence who will be in attendance, or we pay for their electrician to be there.

    I'm pretty sure we've got a couple electricians already signed up to attend, and I'm sending PM's to everyone that I can think of that would qualify. But if I missed anyone, speak up! I'd like to avoid paying extra fees for the "house electrician" if possible.

    Dates are firm: Saturday the 18th of August and Sunday the 19th of August. Make plans now! For those folks that will be in the area the day before, we are permitted to enter the auditorium on Friday anytime after lunch to unload and setup equipment. The building will be open until around 5 PM on Friday for setup. Saturday we kick things off at 10 AM, and will probably run until around midnight or so. Sunday morning we'll start up again around 10 AM, and run until folks get tired and need to start packing up. (My guess is that we'll probably finish up between 4 and 6 pm on Sunday.)

    Cost per person is probably going to be around $70-80, though some last minute additions may push that cost down. (This is not a profit gig; any excess will be refunded.) We'll have water available for laser cooling, and 208 volt 3 phase power, plus 220 single phase and 110 single phase.


  2. #2
    Join Date
    May 2006
    Native Floridian


    Sweet! Barring any huge meltdown at work, I will be there.

    I'm pretty sure we've got a couple electricians already signed up to attend
    I have plenty of experience with 110 and 220VAC, and a good bit of experience with 208VAC 3 phase, but no piece of paper to prove it. Sorry I can't help with that. As much as I miss having a big AR/KR, I don't miss the need for 3 phase. Is anyone planning on arriving Friday?


  3. #3
    Join Date
    Jan 2006
    Charleston, SC


    Hi David!

    I will be there on Friday, and I think MechEng3 will be there as well. Not sure yet about anyone else though.

    If we can't get a piece of paper proving that someone has a license, I may try to arrange a meeting with the electrician at the facility and see if I can convince him that we're cool. (I was planning to drive up there anyway in a couple weeks just to take some pictures and meet with Reggie in person.)

    Either way though, we're comitted to the venue. (And who knows, maybe we'll get lucky and someone will step forward with *some* proof of electrical experience.)

    I gotta admit, I'm getting pretty damn psyched up for this one!


  4. #4
    Join Date
    Jan 2007


    I work with 3 phase(and 6 phase) 480V everyday (or used to) on industrial servo military/ aerospace equipment so if that wont do then I'll try to dig up a piece of paper with my piddly-ass associates degree..heh
    I'm sure we can run circles around anyone who questions our electrical abilities.

  5. #5
    Join Date
    May 2006
    Native Floridian


    I gotta admit, I'm getting pretty damn psyched up for this one!
    Same here actually! Just when I think I'm ready to give up on this damn money pit hobby, you go and throw together a kick-ass event like this and I get all psyched up about it again! DAMNIT! Hope someone out there likes Pink Floyd, I'm about to drop some change on some new shows for all your viewing enjoyment!


  6. #6
    Join Date
    Jan 2006
    Charleston, SC


    Damn! Maybe I should get you two guys on a conference call with Reggie from the auditorium!

    Give it some thought guys... And Steve-o, if you can produce any documentation of your skills, that would be a *huge* help. (Same for you, David.) Even something as mundane as a letter from your supervisor...

    You know, I'll just bet that Chuck (Marconi) has got 3 phase experience too. Betcha that Steve Roberts (Mixedgas) and Paul Berteau (Clandestiny) have a lot of experience too. If only I could convince Reggie of all this... (Insert one of Aaron's smiley's of me beating my head against a brick wall here.)

    David - RE: Pink FLoyd... I think it's a requirement that all laser geeks like Pink Floyd! Whatcha got planned? (BTW, did I mention that Bill Benner is planning to attend? He may have some of the shows you're talking about.?.)


  7. #7
    Join Date
    Jan 2007


    Yeah Pink Floyd is a must--
    I'll try to muster up some documentation--
    non-union tho so i dont know..
    Sure I can come up with sumptin..
    Wish I had a bunch of Pink Floyd on CD ready-to-go May have some somewhere...
    I'll look around..

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Oct 2006
    Central Florida


    DAMN... BOOOOO... I'm jealous... I can't even find the umph to get smilieys for this. After SELEM, you're gonna have to come off those Floyds shows... I may have a couple of mp3s you can use if you need...

    Have fun guys! and turn off your auto focus...
    Love, peace, and grease,

    allthat... aka: aaron@pangolin

  9. #9
    Join Date
    May 2006
    Native Floridian


    After SELEM, you're gonna have to come off those Floyds shows
    HeHe! Sorry Allthat, since its not my work I cannot share them. Plus they will be locked down so they will only play on my QM2K and not on any other card. Thanks for the song offer, I think I have just about all the songs there is of PF, I've been a big fan for a long time.

    Whatcha got planned? (BTW, did I mention that Bill Benner is planning to attend? He may have some of the shows you're talking about.?.)
    I don't know if he has these or not. Its possible, its pretty new material and I doubt Bill has every show that everyone has created with the QM. Its basically an entire PF CD. In fact, I will have to upgrade the memory on my QM to play it.

  10. #10
    Join Date
    Jul 2005
    Lancashire UK


    good luck guys on getting it all organised
    have a great weekend and enjoy watching the light fantastic

    all the best.... Karl

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