Let me broaden the question... has anyone even heard of those galvos?
Hey,that url does not work
It works for me too.. I see they have ripped off elements from the creation show from lightspeed, either of the lightspeed cd or from the pangolin cd.
When the going gets weird, the weird turn pro.
I'm kind of surprised no one has tried or heard reviews of them. Anyway, I ordered a set and should receive them in less than a week so I will let you know how they are.
If you don't mind, how much did they cost? Curious...
I'm going to wait until I get them and try them out before I tell you.
For anyone who is interested, here's the manual for these galvos.
i picked up a few pairs of these 3 pairs 30k 1 pair of 20k about 8 months ago and i would say that 30k work very well i would say that they work better than the old style catweasels but not as good as the new style xt wide move