Any recommendations on the SIZE of a screen that would be suitable for home / patio / small venue viewing? I was thinking approximately 8ft x 8ft, but would certainly like to hear recommendations from others.
Any recommendations on the SIZE of a screen that would be suitable for home / patio / small venue viewing? I was thinking approximately 8ft x 8ft, but would certainly like to hear recommendations from others.
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Hi Stuka,
Laser projection usually looks best on the biggest area.
With video projection, you have to be careful because the brightness is usually limited by the projector and it decreases quickly as you make the screen bigger. But with laser projection, the brightness is almost the same regardless of the screen size. Also, have you tried using your laser at full power on a small screen? Sometimes there is too much speckle or dazzle and you have to turn the power down. So if you use the biggest screen you can, you can use the most laser power you have.
Also, important to remember (and I think you already know), most video is designed for 4:3 or 16:9 aspect ratio, but many laser shows are designed for 1:1 ratio (or design for a particular show space), so you probably want to use a square screen, not the common projector screen you can buy.
If you want it to be portable or removable, maybe you can consider the overhead projector type screen which comes with tripod, they are usually square.
But even more important than the screen size, is the choice of screen material...
Kind regards,
I think the size of a slide screen would be fine. I think 8x8 is around that size.
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8x8 seems underwhelming but is a manageable size. I say goes as large as you have space for.