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Thread: Pangolin Fb3 Evaluation Kit ......?

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Jan 2007

    Unhappy Pangolin Fb3 Evaluation Kit ......?

    Hi Guys,

    Some Of You Might Have Read My Post Regarding This Product, As I Have Placed An Order For This Item.

    Would Like To Know How The Service Was From Pangolin? As I Have Placed The Order Last Friday With Pangolin, Gave My Credit Card Information For Payment And So Far Only Received An Email Saying That They Will Contact Me Again When The Order Has Been Processed.

    Well It Has Almost Been A Week And I Guess My Order Still Has Not Been Processed? As I Have Not Received Any Other Correspondence From Pangolin?

    Here I Go Again, Bad Service Once You Have Paid?
    Maybe Pangolin And Phoenix Have The Same Support Team.... Hehehe!

    What Should I Do..?

  2. #2
    Join Date
    May 2006
    Native Floridian


    Here I Go Again, Bad Service Once You Have Paid?
    Don't count on it. The service from Pangolin is top notch. Sometimes they do seem to get busy and an email may go unanswered for a day or so. But you can rest assured that if you paid, you will have a top quality product on the way with outstanding service. Plus a large enough customer base that most folks around here could probably answer any question you may have. I'm not affiliated with Pangolin in any way other than I buy thier products and have been a big fan of thier work since 1994...


  3. #3
    Join Date
    Jan 2007
    Sheepsville, Wales, UK


    I have not dealt with Pango or used their products but their reputation is second to none. If you get no service/bad service I would be amazed.
    The fact that Bill Benner - Mr Pangolin - is an active member here is a great thing - the fact that he takes out a lot of time to answer in great detail any posts he comments on speaks volumes of his commitment not only to the industry but to our sector in particular.
    I would put my house on this being resolved with a happy outcome.


  4. #4
    Join Date
    Jan 2006
    Charleston, SC


    Don't forget that Hayden Hale (another Pangolin employee) is also a member here. In fact, he was logged in earlier this morning.

    Yeah, I'm with Rob and David. This will work out just fine. I have a lot of faith in Pangolin. They're probably just tied up with something at the office.

    But Werner, if you're really concerned, just give the office a call. They've got a toll-free number on the Pangolin website. I'll bet that you'll feel better after you call them.


  5. #5
    Join Date
    Jan 2007


    Great all you guys are positive about Pangolin, have any of you waited for a week for them to get back to you?

    Not trying to be a nag, but what is acceptable service? In my book if a customer has to wait a week for me to get back to him or process his order I think I would have no customers....

  6. #6
    Join Date
    May 2006
    Norway, Fauske


    Have you checked youre spamfolder??

    As DZ said: The service from Pangolin is top notch!
    I have ordered few of their products and allways get fast service from them.

    Pangolin FB3 QS/LivePro/SMS2Laser
    Riya MultiBus
    Pangolin LD2000 Pro

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Nov 2005
    Melbourne, Australia


    Werner - I suggest picking up your phone and making a call
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  8. #8
    Join Date
    Oct 2006


    Cruch has a point. my email from pangolin ends up in the spam folder

  9. #9
    Join Date
    Dec 2006


    I reckon they dont have any stock ...they didnt a few weeks ago , i think it does tell you the latest stock situations for all of their lines somewhere on their website , but when i ordered 2 recently i was told no stock for a few weeks so maybe thats why they have not got back to you as they aint in a position to charge your card yet.

    As someone said , lift the phone and give them a quick call , they wont bite and my experiences of contact have always been positive.

    All i can say it i it WILL be worth the wait , i just have not had time to fully evalute the FIVE pieces of software that you can have for this kit but today i delved into the LA studio softwares and was pretty amazed at how sophisticated and proffesional the softwares are and its all features galore ... i doscovered that one of the softwares has TEN built in shows ...jeex its worth it just for that !

    Anyways give them a quick call

    In the beginning there was none. Then came the light - #1 UKLEM - 2007
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  10. #10
    Join Date
    Feb 2007
    Herts, UK


    Quote Originally Posted by werner1619 View Post
    have any of you waited for a week for them to get back to you?
    Sometimes responses are within the hour and sometimes a few days or a week may pass if Bill is away on business or really up to his neck in something,

    Give them a ring, I'm sure there's no real problem.
    A little bit werrrr, a little bit weyyyyyy, a little bit arrrrgggghhh

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