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Thread: Spectra Physics T40 power supply error

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Apr 2018
    St.Petersburg, Russia

    Unhappy Spectra Physics T40 power supply error

    In our physics lab we are facing a problem with a T40 power supply from an old 5W Millennia Vs laser. This system is already more than 10 years old, and it is no more supported by Spectra-Physics (at least in our region). Nevertheless this system worked well for all these years, and we only had to make some minor maintenance, and once to replace the burned high-current power supply.

    Recently we experienced a problem: during the start-up power supply showed an error 201 ("Diode 1 current calibration required"), and after a while error 205 ("Diode 1 temperature calibration required"). We have never experienced this errors with this laser before. Millennia user manual says nothing about these error codes too.

    We would appreciate it if somebody could give us advice about what could be a problem here? Thanks!

  2. #2
    Join Date
    May 2009
    Sacramento, California


    Do you know how to make the calibration adjustments on your millennia using the controller?
    Ive noticed on mine that the room / ambient temperature can make the calibration go bonkers and wont run without resetting it.
    I use my system in indoor and outdoor environments so I have to constantly make adjustments.
    There are several others here with way more knowledge than I have. maybe someone will chime in.
    Will there be three phase!!!!

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Apr 2018
    St.Petersburg, Russia


    Dear Vidal, thank you for your reply!
    We don't know how to make this calibration since it is not covered in the Millennia user manual. We would be happy if you could give us a hint how to do it

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Oct 2018

    Laser Warning Error 201 current calibration - Spectra physics

    Dear Kapiton,

    Hope you are doing well. I would like to ask you if you could solve the problem with the error 201, we are facing the same problem in our lab, this happened when we changed the FCbar for a new one in a J40 power supply. Did you manage to do the calibration?

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Apr 2018
    St.Petersburg, Russia


    Dear Jennyfer,

    You could enter service menu. Maybe first you have to switch some jumpers on top board of power supply T40.
    Then (also it is here;
    1. Press "Setup" on remote control
    2. Select Mode: RS232
    3. Press second button on the left for 6 seconds.
    4. After this new modes will appear: "SP Pwr" and "SP Curr"
    5. Selecting maximum current and tmperature of diodes in "SP Curr" mode you could override errors 201, 202, 205, 206.

    Some more information also could be found here
    I copy the text from this video:

    How to do SHG alignment manually on the Millennia Pro 10sJS
    1. Enter Setup Menu.
    2. Select Mode: RS232 (two other modes: Power, and SHGopt)
    3. Hold down the 2nd button from the right on the LHS of the controller for 6 seconds.
    4. Scrolling down to the Mode, you will find that 3 new modes are available: Current, SP Curr, SP Pow (the last two are Spectra-Physics diagnostic modes).
    5. Select Current Mode. Increase the current percentage to 100 %
    6. Select Mode: SP Curr. Go back to the main menu. You can now set the individual diode currents separately (don't do it!).
    7. Enter the Setup menu. (top button on LHS). Depress the two keys on the bottom LHS simultaneously. The window title changes to * SHG Adjust* .
    8. You have coarse and fine adjustment. Coarse gives you increments of 16, while fine gives you +/-50 in 1-step increments.
    9. By decreasing the value, you decrease the crystal temperature. (They are just tuning the crystal via temperature). For a cold ambient temperature, you want to increase the value, and for hot ambient temperature (e.g. summer) you want to decrease the value.
    10. Optimize s.t. the output power (listed on the LHS of the display) reaches ~ 10.50 W.

    Good luck to you!

    Quote Originally Posted by JennyferZ View Post
    Dear Kapiton,

    Hope you are doing well. I would like to ask you if you could solve the problem with the error 201, we are facing the same problem in our lab, this happened when we changed the FCbar for a new one in a J40 power supply. Did you manage to do the calibration?

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Oct 2018


    Dear kapiton,

    Thank you very much for your answer. We will try to solve it following your suggestions!

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