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Thread: Stolen Kit

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Aug 2005

    Angry Stolen Kit

    Hi Guys

    I had my laptop bag nicked out of a car a few days ago.

    Fortunately ( in some ways ! ) , I can be a bit of a scatter brain, and I'd forgotten to put the laptop in the bag. Phew , that was lucky !

    BUT...... There was also a load of precision tools , a lasercheck , a Pro FB3 card with a LED GUI interface board and some Neo led and lighting catalogues. So maybe not that lucky!

    This was taken from a car in the Rock City , Nottingham, car park 2 weeks ago.

    If anybody spots a FB3 on the market, probably ebay, please let me know.

    The chav scum that took it will probably have no clue what he's got, so its likely to have ended up in a skip.
    Any leads appreciated. Keep 'em peeled

    The light at the end of the tunnel. Its' a white laser.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Mar 2006


    Might be worth sending a picture of a Lasercheck and an FB3 to the local nick? Combined value is over £500 so they might take it seriously enough to keep them around to look at if they come across any stash of ill-gotten electronics bits.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Dec 2006


    if you know or can track it down its likely worth posting the serial code here and also inform pangolin so they dont issue a licence for it at anytime in future

    In the beginning there was none. Then came the light - #1 UKLEM - 2007
    BUY UK LEGAL LASER POINTER :: NEW - Blue 460nm Laser Pointers

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Jul 2005
    Lancashire UK


    Anyone want to buy a FB3 card and a Laser Check

    Sorry to hear that Mark ... its really shitty when that happens , but at least you did not lose a laptop as well, , i dont know what id do if my dell got knicked ... it tend to run my life on my laptop now ...

    these twats dont know what they have taken or what to take half the time.....

    i remeber a few years ago i parked my company Honda in a customers carpark, i had a short meeting for 15 mins, on the back seat was 2 Laptops in bags and my full toolkit worth about 3K ..... when i came out the side window was smashed .... and they had knicked the CD radio ..... my laptops and tools still sat on the back seat, i just could not believe they had left it behind ..... the thing was the CD did not work ... but it was all the hassle of getting the window repaired and insurance stuff ... i hate that .... sometimes i wish that you could just shoot these bastards,

    all the best .... Karl

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Jan 2007
    Sheepsville, Wales, UK


    Quote Originally Posted by Banthai View Post
    sometimes i wish that you could just shoot these bastards
    Im with you on that Karl - a bit of respect and discipline is what these scummy shites need - either that or a damn good kick in the nuts


  6. #6
    Join Date
    Jan 2007
    Yorkshire, UK


    I heard a heartening story last week. We had an attempted burglary at one of our branches where the burglars had attempted to break through our thick laminated glass shopfront with a breezeblock. You could clearly see where they had tried to smash their way through, they had nine attempts and only succeeded in denting the glass.

    I was talking to the police when they attended and one of them was telling me about an attempted burglary he was called to, where the burglars had lifted a 3' x 2' flagstone from the pavement (sidewalk for you on the other side of the pond ) they swung the stone between them and launched it at the shop window. It was laminated glass and the flagstone bounced right off and hit them both. When they police arrived at the scene they were both bleeding badly and in agony and had to be taken to casualty to be stiched up before being taken to the cells.

    Tales like that I find quite heartwarming



  7. #7
    Join Date
    Feb 2005


    Man, just read your thread about the missing gear, F'n assbags..Hope you get some or all of it recovered.
    I had my 3000GT broken into here in downtown about a year ago and they ruined my altho its been repaired it still leaks during a heavy rain.
    All they got was some loose change, flashlights and my GPS. they didnt take my Pioneer system and amps which was strange. I even had about 500USD cash in the glovebox too, that was still there..odd.
    Now the car has an alarm which I use all the time..
    I even put laser stickers on both sides on windows claiming that they may be burned by invisable laser beam. I'm Hoping that will help besides the alarm.
    Still, I feel for you ...that just plain sux when people
    gotta do that..
    I'd at least hope they did it for food to survive on..makes it easier for thought. At least its helps for me...
    "My signature has been taken, so Insert another here"
    *^_^* aka PhiloUHF

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Jan 2007
    Sheepsville, Wales, UK


    Quote Originally Posted by Jem View Post
    they were both bleeding badly and in agony and had to be taken to casualty to be stiched up before being taken to the cells.
    I say leave the bastards to bleed to death in the cells. Its like the nugget who set himself on fire at Glasgow airport the other week. He's being treated for burns....WHY???? Let him alone in agony!

    Anyway yes it was a heart warming story and it made me laugh.


  9. #9
    Join Date
    Apr 2005


    Quote Originally Posted by stanwax View Post
    Its like the nugget who set himself on fire at Glasgow airport the other week. He's being treated for burns....WHY???? Let him alone in agony!
    Hopefully, the treatment involves iodine and scouring pads.

  10. #10
    Join Date
    May 2006
    Native Floridian


    Sorry to hear that happened. I hope you will be able to find the ass that did that... I had my car broken into about 2 years ago, thankfully all they took were a bunch of tools and test equipment for work, about $1500 worth. I called the police and they dusted the car for prints, but it was a complete waste of time since the cop didn't even find my prints on the car..... Now I keep all my stuff in my trunk and set it to where it cannot be opened from inside the car. My last manager told me he use to do that too, until someone just used a crowbar to open the trunk... Oh well, good luck getting it back, they are probably clueless as to what they've got.

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