From RPMC lasers.
Imagine combining 2 of these for 1.2 W!![]()
LDX-2615-650650 ±3 nm600150data
The mfg LDX also offers a 680nm 10W array. Thats still visible and would make a fun lasergun![]()
From RPMC lasers.
Imagine combining 2 of these for 1.2 W!![]()
LDX-2615-650650 ±3 nm600150data
The mfg LDX also offers a 680nm 10W array. Thats still visible and would make a fun lasergun![]()
Last edited by steve-o; 08-02-2007 at 07:09.
Look at the beam specs! They're more like flashlights than lasers.![]()
Well, you can't have everything![]()
Why not?Where is it written?
Seriously - I'd like to see a red diode with the optical quality of a Maxyz module that makes 500 mw... I know Marconi is looking into the problem, but the fact remains that once you get much above 200 mw, the emitter face on the diode gets big and thus the beam quality goes to hell.![]()
Maybe in another year or two we'll see some improvement. Dunno...
Sigh... If only Krypton lasers weren't such a bitch to set up and operate!![]()
So, what would be the expected beam size of a 100x1 uM aperature?
And would the divergence go to hell too? I'm thinking increased power for beam-shows only, not graphics..
Is there a gradient index lens formula somewhere that is used to calculate these factors?
wonder how much they are?
Eat Sleep Lase Repeat
Don't know yet, I'll send in a request for a quote in a bit.
Well, for beamshows the divergence might not be such a bad thing. You could always blow up the beam diameter on your green and blue laser to get them close to the red...
The real problem is getting the beam to fit on the scanner mirrors. But once you get past that, the high divergence isn't so much of an issue with a beamshow... (You're already spreading the beam out all over the room.)
Yeah I was thinking slow scanners with larger mirrors..
Wouldn't be up to par for most, but for me it'd fit the bill![]()
- for uncomplicated beamshows; slow moving sheet of light, tunnel etc..
With lots of nice varying shades of colors tho![]()
rpmc are great but really fucking expensive. You can get a chinese module ready built for the same price of one of their laser diodes.
We have two 400mw 635nm lasers, one actually is making 730mw... the other is doing about 450mw.
The beam profile is a stripe.... down dave's driveway, about 30m away, the beam was about a foot wide, a big rectangle.
However we did a lasershow with one of these sitting atop our full colour, which has an arctos red (tight beam), and you couldn't really tell that it was such a fat beam....
the great thing about these lasers is that you can really easily combine lots of them, being that the beam is so big coming out of the thing.. you could line up 5 or 6 of them next to each other, get a nice square beam, and then run another 5 or 6 through the same setup and mix the two using a PBS.
Hmm. 12 x LP635-600.....
Then just expand the green and blue beams using lenses to match the red.
Nice, safe, bright RGB.
Now proudly stocking and offering the best deals on laser-wave