I've bought from aixiz a 200mw 473nm laser, for the rgb projector i'm going to build.
Now i'm testing it, and i have noticed a strange behaviour: when I give power to the laser it starts with a very bright beam, but the output power decrease slowly... after few minutes the output power is stable at about 50% (sadly i don't have a power meter)
I tried to use the analog modulation, finding something similar: if I turn it off using the analog mod, and, after few seconds, turn it on again, the output power is much higher but in just 4-5 seconds it lowers to the low level that it had before.
The laser case is slightly warm, so i don't think this is a overheating problem...
So the questions are:
I'm the only one unlucky person who had this problem?
Which could be the cause of this problem?
Any advice about where i can find a power meter an affordable price?