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Thread: Could It Be It's The End of Our World?

  1. #31
    Join Date
    Apr 2006
    Orlando, FL - USA


    Hi everyone,

    As you probably know, over the past few years I haven't been on Photon Lexicon forum very much -- neither here, nor on the Facebook page. Likewise, I haven't been to the Photon Lexicon-related meetings either. It has been a very busy time for me and pretty much everyone else at Pangolin. I've been working 7 days a week trying to get out new products and also make sure our existing customers' ideas get turned into things they can use. As such, I didn't notice this particular thread, or Ryan's post until now.

    First let me say that Ryan's picture here is an adaptation of something he did at the office. What you see in the picture (minus the scanners) was his message to our office. To all of us in the office, it was a really bad joke that was quickly dealt with. By adding the scanners, it makes the meme and even worst joke...

    For people outside the USA, the coronavirus is causing unimaginable strife. In the far east, they've suffered massive sickness and real casualties. This is also the case in certain European countries including Italy and Spain, with others on the rise. Those European countries and others are in complete lockdown.

    But when Ryan posted that meme a week ago, life was pretty normal here in America. For most people there were no signs of people getting sick, and the only unusual thing in sight was the grocery stores are completely out of toilet paper and bread. If the situation was only that stores had run out of toilet paper, Ryan's attempt at humor might not be all that bad. But clearly, the plight of the world and the "you're next" implication didn't register with him.

    Ryan is a good guy, and I hope the people who see his attempt at humor won't judge him solely on this. After all, words -- especially words online, are always subject to interpretation, and the lens of interpretation depends on the present situation of the reader. Ryan's next door neighbor might have grinned, while someone in Europe would understandably react harshly. Clearly some of us at Pangolin need sensitivity training, including me!


    Setting this meme completely aside, this has become a serious situation and it's having a real toll on people in our communities. For example, my sister recently changed jobs. She was a waitress, but recently started a new job at a security company. With the closing of all of the restaurants around the country, my wife and I know of wait staff and even top chefs being laid off.

    Obviously we can say the same about people whose whole livelihood is doing laser and light shows. We've received many emails and private messages from people who are concerned about this.

    Fortunately there is a definite light at the end of the tunnel. In China, where the virus started, they're pretty much over it, with actually no new cases in China yesterday (I think 35 people came into China with the virus). But businesses which were closed down there are opening up again. Factories are buzzing. And their past laser show projects that were on hold are starting to be green-lit again.

    My point is that this situation is only temporary. As such, at Pangolin we are choosing to use this time of slowdown to refine our processes. This is especially the case in the back office, but I'll give you a scanner-related example. For a long time we've been wanting to make a fixture that would make our mirror mounting easier and more accurate, but in the past, we never had time to do this, because the emphasis was always in getting stuff out the door. Now that it's a bit slower, we finally have time to make the new fixture, so mirror mounting won't be so labor intensive.

    We are also coming up with newer content and we will be hosting some online training sessions so that people could learn how to use our products, and also learn laser show production techniques better. I see musicians doing the same thing.

    So use this time to hone your craft, so that when all of the manifestations of the virus have lifted, you will be a better craftsman, better musician, better lasers, and better businessman.

    Shows in China are coming back right now, and shows in your area will come back!

    Pangolin is prepared to whether this storm and we are here to help you as much as we can. Please continue writing to us with your suggestions -- not only about the products, but how we might be able to help.

    Best regards,

    William Benner

  2. #32
    Join Date
    May 2007
    1 hr from everything in SoCal


    To echo Brian (Laserist)'s post, understanding the mathematics of exponential growth is what this is about. Making jokes here and there is fine if it's a coping mechanism. I have also shared memes back and forth with friends and family but it's only because I am pretty worried. Not for me, I am relatively young and healthy but my parents are not, my grandmother is not,and my nephew, who is on anti-rejection medication and has a severely compromised immune system is also at risk. I get Ryan's joke. I laughed at it. It probably would have been better if he weren't "representing" the company and just posted ambiguously but I know Pangolin makes good stuff and I have been treated VERY well by them, including Ryan.

    Going back to Laserist's post. The mathematics is everything. This is why we SHOULD be vigilant:

    Incidentally, the logarithmic graph looks about the same today (for the US) as the video which was made about a week and some change ago.

    Click image for larger version. 

Name:	Capture.JPG 
Views:	55 
Size:	28.8 KB 
ID:	56455

    EDIT: Okay, my screencap is not showing up. you can view the graphs (linear and logarithmic) yourself here:
    Last edited by absolom7691; 03-19-2020 at 13:46.
    If you're the smartest person in the room, then you're in the wrong room.

  3. #33
    Join Date
    Jul 2008

  4. #34
    Join Date
    Jan 2006
    Charleston, SC


    Quote Originally Posted by absolom7691 View Post
    understanding the mathematics of exponential growth is what this is about
    Precisely. When they talk about "flattening the curve", this is what they're talking about - shifting the infection rate away from exponential growth and towards a linear growth curve. Exponential growth will quickly overwhelm our healthcare services. (This is already happening in some areas.) When the healthcare system is overwhelmed, that 1% fatality rate can balloon to 10% or more. We must prevent this from happening.

    The situation is changing rapidly. The graph you posted was current as of the 18th and showed 10,000 active cases in the USA. 1 day later the same graph shows just over 14,000 active cases. Right now the rate of new cases in the US is growing faster than it ever did in Italy. A few days ago I pointed out that our infection rate curve was mirroring Italy's, but that we were about 11 days behind them. Well, in just a few short days we've not only caught up to Italy, we've surpassed them. This is *not* a good thing.

    Making jokes here and there is fine if it's a coping mechanism.
    I agree that sometimes gallows humor is all we've got, but it's something to be shared privately, once the audience has been considered. That being said, I appreciate Bill's message above. I can totally see Ryan doing that as a joke in the office, but it's really unfortunate that he decided to post it in public.


  5. #35
    mixedgas's Avatar
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    I just helped ship our last boxes 0f N95 masks to the local OR on behalf of my boss. When surgeons call and ask us for PPE gear, they are in the scuppers.
    Take this seriously folks.
    PS, I laughed at RYAN's joke. Compared to what I'm seeing, that was mild.
    A message from those of us who do microscopy part of our job. Clean your glasses , clean your cell phones, and clean your eyepiece cups on cameras. Clean them often. A major route into the body for these sorts of bugs, is via the eyes.
    Call me paranoid, but I'm misting my shoes with disinfectant at work.
    Last edited by mixedgas; 03-20-2020 at 06:51.
    Qui habet Christos, habet Vitam!
    I should have rented the space under my name for advertising.
    When I still could have...

  6. #36
    Join Date
    Oct 2012


    ... my boss and me are developing ideas and sourcing parts for UVC-desinfection boxes in different sizes (have the "guts" already functional) - this could be a helpfull tool for daily (or more often) use ...

    Aufruf zum Projekt "Müll-freie Meere" -
    Call for the project "garbage-free seas" -

  7. #37
    Join Date
    Jan 2006
    Charleston, SC


    Quote Originally Posted by VDX View Post
    my boss and me are developing ideas and sourcing parts for UVC-desinfection boxes in different sizes
    Please be certain you have a means to verify your sterilization efforts before you decide to share this with others. Such verification will require controlled microbial testing before and after, on a variety of surfaces, for specified exposure times. Otherwise you risk making the problem worse by encouraging the use of UV as a sterilization tool without enough data to know if it is effective or not, or how long it must be used in order to ensure it is effective.

    I know you're only trying to help, but consider the case of someone using the device believing that it will sterilize some object, but in fact it does not kill all the viral contamination on the object. Then someone becomes infected as a result of that object being re-used in the mistaken belief that it is now "sterile" when it really isn't. That's pretty much the worst-case scenario...

    For the record, both the CDC and the World Health Organization advise against individuals using home-made UV devices to combat the Corona virus, both because most people lack the ability to verify that it's working and the fact that an effective UV dose for sterilization is also strong enough to cause serious eye and skin injury to an unprotected person.

    I have some experience with commercial sterilization systems that use UV, and I can tell you that the energies involved are high enough to be truly scary. Like, instant sunburn and increased cancer risk level of scary. Everyone's risk tolerance is different, but if working on an exposed laserscope optical deck while it's operating is enough to give you concerns about personal safety, then you'll have similar concerns regarding these UV systems.

    If you need to sterilize something, there are lots of proven options already available, from steam autoclaves to betadyne.


  8. #38
    Join Date
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    Cleveland Ohio


    It’s an enveloped virus. The envelop is made from fats. Soap and water rip it apart. That’s all you need. And I mean any soap not some special soap.

    Wash your hands eat well and exercise. Be as healthy as you can.

    as for Ryan ..whatever. Next topic.

    great news on the mirror mount.

    I really appreciate the tutorials.

  9. #39
    Join Date
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    Raleigh, NC


    Here is a video from one of the people on this forum. I remember seeing him once at SELEM. Does anyone know his username on here?

  10. #40
    Join Date
    Nov 2008
    Cleveland Ohio


    Quote Originally Posted by JohnYayas View Post
    Here is a video from one of the people on this forum. I remember seeing him once at SELEM. Does anyone know his username on here?
    thats Eric. Also known as planters.

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