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Thread: 240mW e-bay Lasers

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Aug 2007

    Default 240mW e-bay Lasers

    Hello, I'm a student interested in lasers. I've seen some youtube videos and they are beautiful and they can even burn.

    I wanna get started with lasers, and I thought that I could buy a medium-power green laser to begin. I've seen some pages like wickedlasers or dragonlasers, but their lasers are too expensive for me.

    I've found some 240 mW green lasers for about 40€ ($50) but I thik they are fake. What do you think? (go to the UK ebay and search for green laser)

    I've seen some 80mW green lasers too, fot about 120€ ($140).

    Are they a fake? are they overdriven lasers? What is my best option to get started? (I can spend about 140€ ($160))

    Sorry for my bad english, I'm Spanish. I'm just a student who needs help.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Oct 2006
    Central Florida


    Greetings! Welcome.

    The lasers on ebay, at least the handheld ones, you are speaking of the handheld ones correct? While not being "fake" the are usually not giving you what they say they are in green light. To make a green laser you take an invisible IR laser and reflect it a couple of times (someone will put this more eliquently in a later post ) and it comes out green. A good laser will have an IR filter at the end of the laser to block any stray IR so it doesn't come out with the green. EBay lasers tend to not put an IR filter at the end and this causes a 50mW green laser to measure 250mW on a power meter. It is emitting 250mW of coherent photons, but only 50mW of that is visible green. It'll burn and pop balloons, but it will definatly NOT look like 250mW of green. Most people who buy of eBay don't know the difference.

    Are you planning to experiment with handhelds only? If so there is much more information on them in the laser forum at We are much more focused on laser projectors here, although the main focus here is lasers and over there is mainly flashlights/handheld lights. Just an FYI, we're all down to talk about any laser.

    Love, peace, and grease,

    allthat... aka: aaron@pangolin

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Aug 2007


    Ok, if I buy a 240mW ebay green laser, I'll have a laser which burns like a real 240mW green laser, but it isn't as brighter as a real one. Won't I?

  4. #4
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    Central Florida


    Quote Originally Posted by Lebrelz View Post
    Ok, if I buy a 240mW ebay green laser, I'll have a laser which burns like a real 240mW green laser, but it isn't as brighter as a real one. Won't I?
    That is a very good possibility. You could always ask the seller if the laser has an IR filter, but if the seller is dis-honest in the first place... You may also find one that does have an IR filter installed that does put out 240mW of green. The odds are against you but it can happen.

    Check this place out... They are all about lasers that burn and have many threads on the pros and cons of buying a laser off eBay.

    You never answered my question. Do you prefer a handheld laser or something you plug into that wall? The eBay lasers I am speaking of are the handhelds. The plug in the walls lasers are more likely to have an IR filter installed and the eBay sellers are usually more honest.

  5. #5
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    I'm interested in a handled laser.

    I've seen a 80mW green laser for about $140. I think it will have a IR filter and it will have a real 80mW output power. This is enought to burn flies XD

    I've searched in candlepower, and I won't buy the 240mw one, because, as i can read, they simply suck. I could imagine that because they use 2 AAA batteries with less than 600mAh each one, to power that laser.

  6. #6
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    I am working on a prototype handheld laser that may intrest you. I have enough parts on hand to build 2 units. I had intended to put one on e-bay to sell. I will let you know when they are complete. They will have I/R filters and constant on running. They also will employ lithium cells.....a 5Ah pack at 6 volts.
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  7. #7
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    Here is a pic of the main components. The power cells are being made. It will be 8 - 3 volt 2400maH cells. I also have constant current charger for them and hope to install it internally. That way it can be charged from any 12 volt power source. They should produce around 50-65 mW and will run in CW for at least one hour. Testing done after SELEM. The strange looking aluminum fixture is holding the diode drivers so I can solder the components. Third hand that doesn't mind getting close to the iron.
    Attached Thumbnails Attached Thumbnails 100_2276.JPG  

    Last edited by MechEng3; 08-16-2007 at 13:08.
    You are the only one that can make your dreams come true....and the only one that can stop them...A.M. Dietrich

  8. #8
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    IS that going to be a pointer or a weapon... I have an idea for a different "kind" of handheld. Remind me to tell you about it on Saturday.

  9. #9
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    I think they are weapons. You can hurt your eyes easily.

    For the guy who is making 2 lasers, i'm really interested. They seem very good. if you sell one for about $100 I probably will buy it.

    The problem is that I'm spanish, and the shipping costs would be very expesive...

  10. #10
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    I have more $ than that in some of the parts to make one.......
    You are the only one that can make your dreams come true....and the only one that can stop them...A.M. Dietrich

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