Hello, I'm a student interested in lasers. I've seen some youtube videos and they are beautiful and they can even burn.
I wanna get started with lasers, and I thought that I could buy a medium-power green laser to begin. I've seen some pages like wickedlasers or dragonlasers, but their lasers are too expensive for me.
I've found some 240 mW green lasers for about 40€ ($50) but I thik they are fake. What do you think? (go to the UK ebay and search for green laser)
I've seen some 80mW green lasers too, fot about 120€ ($140).
Are they a fake? are they overdriven lasers? What is my best option to get started? (I can spend about 140€ ($160))
Sorry for my bad english, I'm Spanish. I'm just a student who needs help.