I came across this site from Boomdog's site. I managed to put together his budget XY scanner and was amazed when I got it to work.
I've been tinkering around with a laser harp for the last couple of years. The only surviving footage is here:
It's really simple - using an array of proportionally silvered mirrors to split the 100mw laser roughly into 8 parts.
I now feel I'm ready to move up to the next level and create a scanning harp. So I ordered a DT-40pro, DAC and software from Jian.
I've put together a MIDIBOX PIC to handle the TTL -> MIDI conversion using the laser blanking signal from the DAC. Eventually I want to replace the DAC with my own hardware - this is why I joined, I'm hoping that there's someone out there that can help me.
I'm hoping this is doable using a PIC or something since the pattern I want to create is very simple - a single axis fan of 8 beams.
Any advice at this early stage is greatly appreciated.
P.S. If you've never seen a scanning laser harp in action check this out: