Hey, guys...This is my first post here. I was referred here by one of your members "wes".
I am an electrical engineer, and I have been working on control systems for about 5 years. I have spent the last year developing a new laser controller that I think will help take a lot of burden off of developers, and let them focus more on the actual images than setup/tear down.
Unfortunately, I am not a big company with huge financial backing...I have used my finances and 'hobby time' for the development of the first revision of my system, and I have made some changes to make things much more beneficial.
I am sort of at my end, financially, however...I have a control setup that I feel will be a huge benefit to you, but I don't have any galvo's or an amp to verify that everything is functioning.
I know this is an odd, and probably silly question...But I was wondering if there was anybody who has some Galvos or Amps that they have grown out of or put aside.
I am not looking for gear so that I can compete with you or build my own system. Again, I am an EE and I don't really have interest in running shows...but I want to take your laser control systems to a whole new level.
Please let me know if you could help me out. I am a very credible person, and I want to finish developing something that will make your audiences jaws drop...and cut your setup time to a fraction of what it is now.