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Thread: NEW PL ZOOM Call - June 18th, 2022 Discussion for SELEM 2022 & General Chat

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    Default NEW PL ZOOM Call - June 18th, 2022 Discussion for SELEM 2022 & General Chat

    Laser Friends,

    The plans are to have the next ZOOM call on Saturday, June 18th at 3:00pm CDT. Please PM me if you want the call in details for access.

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    PM sent.
    Looking forward to his one since I missed the last one.

  3. #3
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    Default Hey

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    That was a lot of fun! Thanks to everyone who tuned in.

    Greg mentioned the possibility of doing one more call before SELEM - maybe in the middle of July? Might be nice for folks to make last-minute carpool and room-sharing arrangements.


    PS: I ordered a 24V, 20 amp PSU for the Jacob's Ladder this morning. Should be here tomorrow! Thanks for helping troubleshoot that unit for me guys...

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    Bradfo69's Avatar
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    I've kind of been thinking that maybe the zoom call thing is something we should formally make like 3x per year and everyone knows when they are and can arrange schedules to maximize them. For example... if everyone knew that, the first day of winter, the first day of spring, the first day of summer and first day of fall at 4pm EST was your laser zoom meet up whether it's 2023 or 2027, it could always be on your calendar and be able to plan for it. Granted it could fall on a week night which is problematic for some but, we're usually on about 9-10 hours anyway coming and going so people could jump on and off when they are available. Could be a good source for new people too as they could hold things up to the camera that they have questions about or, people could demonstrate something they're working on or have a question about - not unlike Buffo's Jacobs Ladder the other night.
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    Quote Originally Posted by Bradfo69 View Post
    I've kind of been thinking that maybe the zoom call thing is something we should formally make like 3x per year and everyone knows when they are and can arrange schedules to maximize them. For example... if everyone knew that, the first day of winter, the first day of spring, the first day of summer and first day of fall at 4pm EST was your laser zoom meet up whether it's 2023 or 2027, it could always be on your calendar and be able to plan for it. Granted it could fall on a week night which is problematic for some but, we're usually on about 9-10 hours anyway coming and going so people could jump on and off when they are available. Could be a good source for new people too as they could hold things up to the camera that they have questions about or, people could demonstrate something they're working on or have a question about - not unlike Buffo's Jacobs Ladder the other night.
    Why don’t we plan this as a quarterly call to supplement SELEM? Example being that we do the third Saturday of every three months out from SELEM, such as the third Saturday in October, January and April. Of course more ZOOM calls could be added as necessary. Additionally, as suggested by Adam, why don’t we create a mailing list to go out to everyone that typically participates in SELEM, provides an email or responds to the open invite. We send a reminder out to everyone a week in advance, two weeks in advance, whatever interval makes sense. After talking to Newlin, we elected to not post the access information for the call openly on FB or PL, but this too may be worth considering? I’d also welcome having folks join us that could speak to specific items, demonstrations, etc. Not to take anything away from SELEM, but rather to enhance all of our collective interests in lasers, live tutorials, new products, etc.

    i’d also like to see our friends in the UK/Europe join as well - this was the reason for the early start to these calls. The calls have been enjoyable, as the most recent was one that really went well I think. The opportunity to talk, learn and reminisce has been great! The lead up to SELEM has been beneficial as well.

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    Thumbs up Let's do this!

    I like the idea of a quarterly call, and I'd definitely make every effort to participate. I agree that it would be great if folks from Europe could also pop in, so I support the afternoon starting time.

    One comment regarding the login details: I can understand not wanting to post that information on Facebook, but I think it's fine to post it here on the forum. We don't see the random traffic that Facebook does, so I don't think there's much risk of someone trying to "grief" us by joining the call uninvited and acting inappropriately. Worst case, if that were to happen, it would seem to be a simple matter to just kick them off the call, and if they try to re-join, you can mute them and also block their video. (Not sure if Zoom offers a ban-by-IP-address feature or not.?.)

    If this becomes a persistent problem, then we can always remove the login details and only send them via private message for future calls. But right now I think having the information in public here on the forum will make it easier for people to join.


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    Quote Originally Posted by buffo View Post
    Worst case, if that were to happen, it would seem to be a simple matter to just kick them off the call, and if they try to re-join, you can mute them and also block their video. (Not sure if Zoom offers a ban-by-IP-address feature or not.?.)
    Zoom banning is harsh!

    At the start of the pandemic, we had a big virtual family dinner planned with probably 20 people. I had spent about 5 hours putting together a video reel of clips from family events and other photos to run in a separate zoom window so everyone could watch. My S-I-L was running the zoom and the call details were NOT shared publicly. But when I logged in and set my name as "Virtual Family Show" she didn't recognize it, and immediately booted me from the Zoom. It was literally impossible for me to get back into the call, no matter what I tried. Different computers, IP address, uninstalled/re-installed Zoom. She tried sending me another invite -- nope, that didn't even work. Nothing worked to get back into the call and my account unbanned, and she couldn't un-ban me since I was no longer in the call (maybe there's a way, but we couldn't find it and dinner was already starting!). Luckily my wife's son also had a laptop running at the table so I quickly moved my content to his computer and he ran it. So if you kick ban someone from a Zoom call, it's really really hard to get back in, if it's possible at all! The only other option for my account/computers to get back in the call was for her to cancel the call and start an entirely new one, but with 20 people already on the call, that wasn't an option.

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    Wow, that sucks Hank! I can just imagine how stressful that must have been...

    Fortunately, it looks like Zoom changed their interface sometime in 2021.

    A bit of googling shows that now you can ban and un-ban people by selecting the "Manage Blocked Users" feature in Settings/Chat.

    There is a similar setting for Zoom meetings that allows removed attendees to re-join the meeting. (Invitations menu, "Manage Attendees" feature.)


  10. #10
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    Well, where the hell was that in 2020???!?

    Her defense was that "Zoom bombing" was a big thing in the news in April, 2020 as schools and such with open meetings were getting invaded.

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