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Thread: noob DJ with a tiny budget

  1. #71
    Join Date
    Jul 2008


    Quote Originally Posted by james View Post
    When I saw Dean had made some kind of color cycling thing out of the tiki frame, I thought....

    he's just baiting me, ya' know, trying to trip me up. But I fell for it again!

    That's when I started messing around to come up with my own tricks.


    When I figured out the effect I wanted to do, I realized there was a way to do it but it involved importing a palette from a text file.

    So I went into menu p and added a new blank target palette and added the seven colors to it. Then I exported that as txt.

    # This file was generated by LaserBoy-09-06-2022 !!!
    # the free, multiplatform laser display application
    # by James Lehman <>
    # Extra Stimulus Inc., Akron, Ohio USA
    # ASCII format version: LaserBoy-txt-07-09-2021
    # ----------------------------------------------------------------
    palette rgb ttl_clrs
        255      0      0
        255    255      0
          0    255      0
          0    255    255
          0      0    255
        255    255    255
          0      0      0
    Then I opened that (from within the txt folder) in a text editor and copied each color ten times like this:

    # This file was generated by LaserBoy-09-06-2022 !!!
    # the free, multiplatform laser display application
    # by James Lehman <>
    # Extra Stimulus Inc., Akron, Ohio USA
    # ASCII format version: LaserBoy-txt-07-09-2021
    # ----------------------------------------------------------------
    palette rgb in_tens_
        255      0      0
        255      0      0
        255      0      0
        255      0      0
        255      0      0
        255      0      0
        255      0      0
        255      0      0
        255      0      0
        255      0      0
        255    255      0
        255    255      0
        255    255      0
        255    255      0
        255    255      0
        255    255      0
        255    255      0
        255    255      0
        255    255      0
        255    255      0
          0    255      0
          0    255      0
          0    255      0
          0    255      0
          0    255      0
          0    255      0
          0    255      0
          0    255      0
          0    255      0
          0    255      0
          0    255    255
          0    255    255
          0    255    255
          0    255    255
          0    255    255
          0    255    255
          0    255    255
          0    255    255
          0    255    255
          0    255    255
          0      0    255
          0      0    255
          0      0    255
          0      0    255
          0      0    255
          0      0    255
          0      0    255
          0      0    255
          0      0    255
          0      0    255
        255    255    255
        255    255    255
        255    255    255
        255    255    255
        255    255    255
        255    255    255
        255    255    255
        255    255    255
        255    255    255
        255    255    255
          0      0      0
    Then I imported this palette back in using option a in the p menu.

    In menu k or l (L), hitting the grave key ` (un-shifted tilde) copies the frame. So I ran the frame index up to 99 copies of that one frame.

    With this new in_tens_ palette as the target palette, I went into menu c and used option E (capital applies to all frames) to do an axial recolor of the frame_set.

    The values of "set palette span factor" of 1.0 means that the palette gets spread through whatever way it goes through a frame one whole time. It doesn't matter how many vertices are in a frame or how many colors are in the palette.

    The value of "color frame shift" of 1 means that for each frame in the set the palette index starts one ahead of the previous (palette index cycling).

    Then I just ran through the frame_set until I saw where it came around to repeat itself and selected and deleted the remaining frames in the frame_set.

    That's when I realized this was a neat effect that I would like to add to the "p transform colors and palette set" menu.

    Now everything in menu "c transform frame colors" (when it's in palette mode, options a through m) uses the target palette to recolor the frame or the whole frame_set.

    This makes more sense than the way it was.
    While I once played with palette cycling years ago, the effect that I created recently is a mere artifact of taking a time based 24bit color plane algorithm and cramming it through a simple TTL color reduction while superimposing it on a static image, nothing more.

  2. #72
    Join Date
    Aug 2022


    Quote Originally Posted by dchammonds View Post
    I'm glad to see you got things working- congratulations! I learned some things from this thread, too.

    If you want to stay up late some more, try my SpiroDAC app. I originally wrote it as a simple function generator designed to drive a projector
    in real time using a modified sound card, but now it supports some other devices as well. You can run it without a projector and view the output
    onscreen (as well as hearing some funky noise coming through your audio card).

    SpiroDAC also has an ild file output feature that you can enable to record your session for playback on other equipment later. The files are
    automatically saved sequentially to the directory that SpiroDAC is running in each time a start/stop cycle is initiated, and the file counter
    is reset when the program is restarted.

    If you wish to try SpiroDAC, make sure the DAC output remains set for SoundCard and the ILDA output box is checked. Lastly, set the ILDA output
    option to SD (instead of Normal) so that the color output is compatible with your system.
    ill def give it a go

  3. #73
    Join Date
    Aug 2022


    I've been AFK due to family being in town but now back on topic, is there anything keeping me from combining two effects? Say if I were to use [redacted] to reverse-explode the tiki and color wheel it at the same time? Could produce something pretty slick looking similar to the old N64 logo

  4. #74
    Join Date
    Mar 2012
    Akron, Ohio USA


    You can do an effect on a single frame, a selection of frames or a frame_set. Once an effect is done the result is ready for more effects. There are some things that are designed to be used one after another. Take the 5 stars for example (in.ild) and do a spin on that frame. Then do an echos on the resulting frame_set. The filmstrip effect animates frames one after another across the space. The result of that can be wrapped around a sphere or hemisphere, etc... This is how I did a spinning Earth. I asked NOAA for dxf satellite images of the continents in a particular projection map version (flat), copied it a few times and made a filmstrip of it and wrapped that around a hemisphere. Then I added a blue circle around it, rotated it 23.5 degrees and flattened it.
    Last edited by james; 09-15-2022 at 10:46.
    Creator of LaserBoy!
    LaserBoy is free and runs in Windows, MacOS and Linux (including Raspberry Pi!).
    Download LaserBoy!
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    Ask me about my LaserBoy Correction Amp Kit for sale!
    All software has a learning curve usually proportional to its capabilities and unique features. Pointing with a mouse is in no way easier than tapping a key.

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