some serious work has gone into this
some serious work has gone into this
Eat Sleep Lase Repeat
Andy, this is one of the free shows that comes with Mamba Black, i'm not sure but I think I saw it somewhere in the Pangolin shows as well. It is indeed a superb graphic show and it looks even better 'in the flesh'
The colours in that sun are stunning!
how poo, i thought he did it him self LOL
oh well
i look forward to seeing a full colour show at the next meet, wink wink![]()
Eat Sleep Lase Repeat
yeah it really is much better in RGB..![]()
Yea, that is a very good show, but it is included in several software packages. If my scanners weren't shot I'd make you a better video of it when I got home... Maybe if I can get the 20Ks going it will look OK...![]()
Love, peace, and grease,
allthat... aka: aaron@pangolin
I can say that some of the frames originated on the Pangolin platform, and the show concept is vaguely similar to the show concept of some shows I have seen on the Pangolin platform...
Best regards,
William Benner
Now that I've had time to look through some of the shows that come with LD-2000, I see that a *lot* of the frames that come with Mamba Black are actually Pangolin frames. In fact, it seems that a number of the frames that I used in that "Diamond Girl" show at FLEM (the guy playing piano, the guy and girl dancing, etc) are taken from a Pangolin show that was written in 1998!
So I gotta ask... Was Mamba Black one of the companies that was involved in the copyright sting? (Sure looks like it...) And do they know that they're still infringing?
Hi Buffo,
Good question. Frankly, I have never looked at MAMBA and I really don't know what it comes with in terms of art-ware. It could very well be that there is content that originated on the Pangolin platform.
One thing I will say is that most of our competitors actually LOVE our software so much, that they bought a copy for themselves. That's why you almost always see new features in Pangolin software first, and then some time later see the same kind of thing in other software. As time runs this is becoming a more dangerous practice for competitors, because we have been applying for patents on our newest ideas... This is expensive for us, but I would argue that the damage of companies ripping off our ideas is actually more harmful to the laserist community as a whole. My point is that, while in the past, we came out with several updates per year, and the software and ideas flowed rather freely, now we take a much more cautious approach and apply for patents on our ideas before launching the new software. This has slowed the whole process, and with time being equal to money, it costs everyone involved, even end-users.
Regarding the past law suits, no, MAMBA has not been involved in that. The past law suits regarding art-ware were not actually initiated by Pangolin, but rather by an alliance of six or seven (I can't remember) separate laser show companies, four of whom were in Germany. So far, the law suits were initiated against three separate German laser software companies (MAMBA was not one of them). In all cases the infringing companies had to pay thousands of dollars in damages, court costs and attorney fees.
I honestly wish that more companies were like Pangolin in terms of integrity. Every single piece of software, art-ware and collateral material has been negotiated and paid for by Pangolin in some way. We have made deals with the top show companies and software authors, to distribute these things. The art-ware and show-ware that we include with our system alone probably cost Pangolin over $250,000. So with each LD2000 Intro system which carries a retail price of only $1495, you also receive $250,000 worth of show-ware and art-ware for free (not to mention software which is hopefully pretty good too).
Best regards,
William Benner
I got a "?"... who is internatlaser... I searched google to see if I could find an outlet for shows and came across this site. Most of those shows came with Pangolin. are they allowed to sell these shows?![]()
Hi Allthat!
Great question. This is a clear example of "which came first, the chicken or the egg". In this case, yes they are allowed. In fact, they came first with that particular artwork.
In around mid-2000, we made a deal with them whereby we can distribute some of their art-ware and show-ware. It can be found in the "ILP Shows" folder and maybe "ILP Frames" folder as well -- I am at home right now, and I just can't remember.
HOWEVER, I do know of one laser software company that purchased a single CD from International Laser Productions (theoretically, a single-use purchase) and then turned around and distributed a lot of thier laser frames with their laser software without getting permission to do so. I don't want to mention any names and embarrass the laser software company, but this kind of thing is clearly not ethical...
Ahh yes, if only our conscience would allow us to do such things. Surely we would make much greater profit...
Best regards,
William Benner