Laser Ben -
No experience with Vista, but the LAStudio applications - and even LiveProUSB - run fine on my Win XP Home laptop, even with several other applications running. My laptop is a 3-year old Dell XPS with a 1 GB RAM.
I plan on using a separate enclosure for my FB3, and connecting to the projector with a DB-25 cable. There are enough spare wires on the ILDA spec that I should be able to send DMX signals through the same connection to the projector.
I plan on a dual-power option for the case for my FB3. When I want to use it stand-alone just so I can use the software (LASTudio and LivePro require the FB3 to be attached to run), I'll supply power from a second USB connection to draw 5VDC from my laptop (that's the method I use now "in the field"). When connected to the projector, I plan on drawing 5VDC from the power supply in the projector. An additional advantage here is if I decide to run a "canned" show using nothing but a cheap DMX controller & no laptop, I can still power the FB3 without any additional power connections.
It all sounds good in theory, at least - I won't be able to try out most of my ideas for a while yet!
Metrologic HeNe 3.3mw Modulated laser, 2 Radio Shack motors, and a broken mirror.