Hey, lumia painters! Thanks to some inspiration from Brian (Laserist) in another lumia thread, I tried out some gear reduced stepper motors that were microstepped using an A4988 driver, set to 16th steps. I was amazed at how smooth the lumia pattern moved when I was running the stepper at about 0.04 RPM. Very smooth. The square wave signal generator I built to pulse the stepper driver will go from 100hz to 3khz. This translates to a variable shaft speed of 0.04 RPM to 1.1 RPM. This is right in the sweet spot for me as this will be powering a double disk lumia that throws a smoke-like pattern at low speed and flowing water pattern at high speed. I have seen other threads talk about steppers for lumia but the consensus was that the motor's "steps" would be visible. With the steppers I found, joined with the A4988 drivers, I could not detect any staccato motion whatsoever, even at a ridiculously slow speed. These are a total win.
The Stepper: https://www.frankhumotor.com/nema-8-...604S-PG64.html And for some reason, the picture on the site is wrong for the stepper and gearbox.
The driver: https://www.amazon.com/HiLetgo-Steps...s%2C163&sr=8-3
These motors have a pretty small footprint, too.