Steve R (Mixedgas) and Mike (Mecheng3) Very generously donated (2) G124 galvos and Norm's DAC board for my projector to progress me into the world of better lasershows. THANKS GUYS!!!![]()
My only attempts thus far were a modified "black widow" (rotating mirrors w/ built-in "show") and a basic-stamp controller driving 2 disassembled relays with mirrors glued on. (fairly pathetic, eheh..wellthen..)
So,,, All I need now is Norm's DAC schematic (or assy drawing- [which resistor goes where etc]) and I suppose a decent class A/ AB 10-20 watt audio amp chip to drive the galvos. Right?
(The original driver IC for the G124s is now obsolete and un-findable on covers all the major electronic suppliers in the US.
Any info would be appreciated.