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Thread: It's the end of the LPF World , and I feel fine.

  1. #31
    Join Date
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    Mesa, AZ


    I'll not be going back. My info is posted now and they don't really want discussion of lasers. Look at the post counts there. The largest posters by far are those who only post on the "other" section, justifying their lapdog support for their king bone spurs while pushing out those who disagree. Look at ratio of reaction score to post count to see those with the highest SNR. Amongst those in highest regard there, it's as pathetic as their lord and savior sitting in a courtroom. My support for getting rid of those off-topic arguments (which they did for a few months) is what turned the would-be authoritarian in charge against me personally, and he's been harassing me since. I may reconsider if someone REALLY interested in lasers takes control, but I'm not holding my breath.
    Last edited by Eidetic; 04-16-2024 at 08:50.

  2. #32
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    1 hr from everything in SoCal


    I love that this spilled over here because they can't keep their house clean over there... I was on LPF for a few bits of information but it was so damn difficult to find in all of the toxic sludge. I gave up. Information here is a little more sparse for certain things and some questions may take days or even weeks for answers since people here have a life/career... but with the exception of a few threads and some high and mighty members (see, we have them too) over here, I would avoid LPF like the proverbial plague!
    If you're the smartest person in the room, then you're in the wrong room.

  3. #33
    mixedgas's Avatar
    mixedgas is offline Creaky Old Award Winning Bastard Technologist
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    If I am high and mighty in any adverse way, kindly let me know via PM. It can be difficult to be humble When (Your as perfect as the Lord intended you to be! ) when you are Aging and have huge responsibilities. My kingdom for that strike-out bar the other forums have.

    Qui habet Christos, habet Vitam!
    I should have rented the space under my name for advertising.
    When I still could have...

  4. #34
    Join Date
    May 2007
    1 hr from everything in SoCal


    Quote Originally Posted by mixedgas View Post

    If I am high and mighty in any adverse way, kindly let me know via PM. It can be difficult to be humble When (Your as perfect as the Lord intended you to be! ) when you are Aging and have huge responsibilities. My kingdom for that strike-out bar the other forums have.

    Steve, you are anything but high and mighty and my post was, in no way, intended for you! I respect the hell out of you, man and I when get to SELEM next year (sadly, this year is out), I would like to buy you a beer. Of course, my beer list is long but you're definitely on it!
    If you're the smartest person in the room, then you're in the wrong room.

  5. #35
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    Oct 2011


    Quote Originally Posted by Eidetic View Post
    Looks like my time at LPF is finished, due to the butthurt weenie in charge. Guess he cares more for off-topic "fight club" posts and exerting whatever small control he has of things in his life than he cares for my contributions to the content over there. What a shame. Must be why nobody has stepped up to buy the site. I'd almost do so just to boot the angry little man, but there's too much risk of liability for my pockets.
    Well you can contribute all you want but that doesn't give you the right to talk down to people. I have never called you a name but you have insulted me plenty of times. You're a grown man. Act like an adult.

    Quote Originally Posted by Eidetic View Post
    I'll not be going back. My info is posted now and they don't really want discussion of lasers. Look at the post counts there. The largest posters by far are those who only post on the "other" section, justifying their lapdog support for their king bone spurs while pushing out those who disagree. Look at ratio of reaction score to post count to see those with the highest SNR. Amongst those in highest regard there, it's as pathetic as their lord and savior sitting in a courtroom. My support for getting rid of those off-topic arguments (which they did for a few months) is what turned the would-be authoritarian in charge against me personally, and he's been harassing me since. I may reconsider if someone REALLY interested in lasers takes control, but I'm not holding my breath.
    I have nothing against you despite your rancid attitude. Yes 10+ years between your last ban by Daguin and yet you haven't changed at all. Avery runs things the way he wants them to. I only listen and follow instructions. You are so full of bitterness and anger. I honestly have no idea what to do with you at this point except wish you well.

  6. #36
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    Feb 2024


    Quote Originally Posted by mixedgas View Post

    Appropriate mourning music... Highland Cathedral:

    if you told the new fellow that Transverse Pumped Argons have insignificant and very poor high voltage Hold-off due to the ultra low pressure required, you would have had to explain the Penning Curve.

    Thirty plus years of reading stuff like this.. We could not afford to buy books, even photocopying at the library was expensive, and we didn't have the Internet. Typing Keywords into the library computer was half hit and miss. So its all in our heads, memorized.

    Difficult to explain to the new generation why a Greybeard says NO, and means it. As a Kid I would bike 17 miles each way to the University Science Library. North-East Ohio is NOT flat either. Gives you time to "chunk" what you read into memory on the way home.

    Or he could have simply said (as I did) that its more complicated than creating an electrical discharge in argon to make an argon ion laser. There is a middle ground between saying "no it wont work" and giving a full lesson on the mechanics of gas lasers, just saying.

    Its difficult to accept when a "greybeard" says no, because, at least in my experience, their information is out of date. I'm not saying that's the case here, but saying no to a question, and then saying "because I've worked with lasers since the 1980's" when they ask why it wont work, does sweet fuck all to help that new person understand.

  7. #37
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    Quote Originally Posted by Shadow View Post
    Do you have proof that I did this? No Because it wasn't me. I'm noticing a few certain members like to spread lies without any form of proof.
    We, the members at the time, all saw it and you bragged about it in the discourse group. Not only are you incorrigible, you are a liar. How about the threats to show up at another forum members home with a shot gun? That didn't happen either?
    Glowing green eyes is a camera photoflash reflection.

  8. #38
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    Its difficult to accept when a "greybeard" says no, because, at least in my experience, their information is out of date. I'm not saying that's the case here, but saying no to a question, and then saying "because I've worked with lasers since the 1980's" when they ask why it wont work, does sweet fuck all to help that new person understand.[/QUOTE]I answered. He asked "why did I say that?" My comment was the truth. I said that because of my experience. I didn't know why argon wouldn't work as a TEA laser, and I didn't feel obligated to look it up on Google for the lazy newbie. Sorry. He commented about my reply and I explained. That should've been the end of it. But no. Ultramoderator had to step in with his obviously heavy-handed approach and unnecessarily started drama. He's been accused of the same heavy-handedness by many others. Dude's a little tyrant over there, drunk with his bit of power over people. Look at my posts there. Nothing "argumentative" about them, except for my opposition to off-topic political threads which do nothing but drive people apart. So this guy brings them back. Because he and his buddies there have nothing to offer the laser community but their off-topic opinions and push away those who don't agree with their maga stupidity.

  9. #39
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    "Well you can contribute all you want but that doesn't give you the right to talk down to people." Your duties to moderate there don't give YOU the right to talk down to people. Where in the TOS does it say posters must answer questions with a positive, helpful attitude? You're a moderator, not the attitude police. There's no argument in that thread. Your action was pure misguided retaliation for being taken to the woodshed by Steve.
    Last edited by Eidetic; 04-19-2024 at 06:19.

  10. #40
    mixedgas's Avatar
    mixedgas is offline Creaky Old Award Winning Bastard Technologist
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    Belive me, if anything generated visible light at any practical power level in a transverse discharge, prior to the practical blue laser diode, it would have been on the market.

    Neon generates exceptionally weak visible pulses in a transverse discharge, so do some very exotic excimers.
    Bromine-Mercury excimers are not practical, cheap, tabletop beasts. Helium Krypton mixtures at 10,000:1 for 472 nm blue
    are insanely impractical.

    There are many ultraviolet and infrared possibilities for transverse gas lasers. However, what produces useful amounts of energy is Nitrogen. Nitrogen pumping a Dye covers most of the useful spectral range, at a very low cost.
    So there is no reason to pursue the exotics, once their gain per pass was measured and confirmed by another group.

    I have read book after book on military/NASA / corporate funded attempts for developing blue-green lasers. Mainly for maritime lidar and communications. If there was a way to potentially make the Holy Grail, they likely would have found it, as it was a national research priority for much of the first world at the time.

    You can thank the US Air Force for pushing the Argon laser to practical development and commercialization.

    Any time you want you can buy a copy of C.S. Willets "Gas Lasers" , which is a research compendium, and look at the hundreds of thousands of tests of pure materials and mixtures ran. Yes, there are all sorts of workable gas lasers, but only the viable ones made it to commercialization.

    Is there the possibility of some ultra efficient hobby friendly visible gas laser out there? Possible but highly unlikely.

    It is much, much more likely that some nifty solid state or crystal material has been passed over. Which is why research continues.

    I spent five years running down the 609 Hene ghost line observed by a few people on LPf. I know what it is to a 95% certainty. Problem is it splits into four sub-possibilties all from the same upper state. It took the efforts of ten helpers to get there. One was a Nobel Prize winner in Laser Physics
    I read over 300 documents to run it down.

    Diving any deeper then the surface level in Lasers requires immense education, either formal education or self taught.

    Sometimes "No" is a blessing. Not everything is available for free on the Internet, and knowing where to look often requires search techniques not available on Google. Evaluating the results as true/false requires even more understanding. Just because someone saw nanowatt flashes in a given set of circumstances, does not mean the laser is reproducible.

    As a general rule, anything beyond basic curriculum is up to the teacher to decide if it's worth the investment in time to teach. If the student asks an exceptional question, sometimes it's worth going down a rabbit-hole. It's not the Mod's job to decide what is, and is not a viable rabbit-hole.

    Last edited by mixedgas; 04-19-2024 at 11:12.
    Qui habet Christos, habet Vitam!
    I should have rented the space under my name for advertising.
    When I still could have...

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