OK, I've collected the 4 most popular logo designs. Please reply below with your favorite!
#1 (MixedGas)
Mixedgas Logo.bmp
Imgur Link
#2 (Shadow and Laserjock)
Shadow and Lazerjock Logo.bmp
Imgur Link
#3 (Displaser)
Displaser Logo 1.bmp
Imgur Link
#4 (Also Displaser)
Displaser logo 2.bmp
Imgur Link
And here's a link to the whole Imgur post with all 4 logos.
I personally like #4 Displaser logo #2
My number 2 choice would be #2 Shadow & Lazerjock Logo Design
Image #4 gets my vote.
35 days until load in!
I also like logo #4.
Although if you addedto the center of the red burst in Logo #1, that might be a contender.
My preference is #2
"Help, help, I'm being repressed!"
I'll vote #4; #2 is also dope!
Is there perhaps a subtle hint in there that we need more representation from the 470-480nm range![]()