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Thread: galvos

  1. #11
    Join Date
    Nov 2024


    In themeantime I have opened the laser further and looked around thoroughly.
    a fewthings caught my eye.

    on thisfirst picture of one of the driver boards you can see that there is noconnector over those 3 pins.
    which isthe case on the other driver board, see picture

    thefollowing is stated at that connection:

    +15V GND-15V

    What alsocaught my eye were the following 2 missing connectors on the back of the laser,see photo

    what elsestruck me was the following, see photo.
    the pinsjust didn't touch each other,

    I have noidea if this is of any use to us, I just wanted to let you know.



    - - - Updated - - -

    In themeantime I have opened the laser further and looked around thoroughly.
    a fewthings caught my eye.

    on thisfirst picture of one of the driver boards you can see that there is noconnector over those 3 pins.
    which isthe case on the other driver board, see picture

    thefollowing is stated at that connection:

    +15V GND-15V

    What alsocaught my eye were the following 2 missing connectors on the back of the laser,see photo

    what elsestruck me was the following, see photo.
    the pinsjust didn't touch each other,

    I have noidea if this is of any use to us, I just wanted to let you know.



  2. #12
    Join Date
    Jun 2009
    St. Louis, MO


    The key to troubleshooting is to understand the thing you're troubleshooting. Laser projectors are rarely very complex. There are two galvos, scan amp(s), a dmx board, laser drivers, laser diodes, and power supplies.

    The problem you're fighting is scanner related, and might be in on axis, but proving that it's in one axis requires creating specific content or knowing the content you're trying to project really well, or going deeper.

    One useful technique is fix the easy things. So yes, straighten the bent pin - It's almost certainly not the problem, but it's bent.

    Scan amps typically run on +/-24vdc they often have on board +/-15vdc regulators and yours have a +/-15vdc aux output (I'm guessing) to run the Dmx board etc. There's no reason to use the aux output from both boards - and if the +/-15vdc was missing the resulting problem would be different. So, an empty plug isn't the problem.

    The problem appears to be (I'm guessing again) a 60Hz hum. It may be a sudden misalignment of a scanamp, but if that's the problem - somebody with a lot more patience & expertise with novice feedback scanner adjustment will be needed.

    So, again, I'd try to establish if the problem is in both axes. If it's in both you'll want to look for a single point failure that would effect both scanners - like noise on the +/-24vdc supply. If not, noise on the y axis inputvsignal, noise on the scan amp's +/-15vdc supply, or something. Keep in mind the Dmx board or anything else hooked up to the one scan amp's +/-15vdc supply could be pulling it down somewhat.
    "There are painters who transform the sun into a yellow spot, but there are others who, with the help of their art and their intelligence, transform a yellow spot into the sun." Pablo Picasso

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