Looking for a red DPSS module + PSU 110v with TTL blanking.
Looking for a red DPSS module + PSU 110v with TTL blanking.
Are you *sure* you want a red DPSS laser? They normally lase at 671 nm, and are quite expensive.
I think you're really looking for a direct injection red laser diode, not a DPSS laser... Red direct-injection diodes are available from 660 nm all the way up to 635 nm, and are much more reasonably priced.
Marconi should be able to hook you up with one of the early Maxyz module units that came with TTL blanking. (They're in his "Clean-up time" thread here in this sub-forum.) Those TTL-only models are cheaper than the newer ones that support both TTL and analog blanking. (I remember a 220 mw one that was priced at just over $200.)
Oops - my naivety is showing.
More than anything I just want the red light in the 200mw+ output range.
I thought all diode lasers were DPSS - I never really found out what that meant. My green one is a DPSS.
I sent him a PM.
Last edited by shobley; 09-13-2007 at 07:07.
Andy (laserman) has some for 70 pounds I think (~$140). I bought one from him and output is 200mw.
Wasn't that the price for a bare diode? Or did he include a driver for that price?
I only bring it up because it appears that Shobley is looking for a complete package (including a 110V power supply) that will give him 200 mw of red with blanking...
It's a complete module with TTL blanking & power supply.
he brought two off me.
its a complete 200mw red module
Eat Sleep Lase Repeat
Go to the link in his signature.
sorry all sold out
Eat Sleep Lase Repeat