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Thread: New user here...

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Sep 2007

    Default New user here...


    Really nice site - I'm enjoying the great info here...

    I've been a laser hobbyist since the early 80's, multiline AL60X, HeNes and a long list of various laser show software/hardware used in the past. I've been away from this for several years, but I feel like I'm back home. It's great knowing that there's an active group of laserists across the globe talking here.

    Yep...I'm bit again. Time to revamp the gear, shift to DPSS and make the RGB projector that I've wanted all along. I'm off to a good start with the 30K scanners from Carmengary (thanks Gary!), my 70mw green DPSS and the 225mw red maxyzmodule laser coming. Looking forward to posting some pics as things progress...


  2. #2
    Join Date
    Jan 2006
    Charleston, SC

    Smile Welcome!

    Hi Greg!

    Welcome to PhotonLexicon. Always nice to see new members! Sounds like you've got some experience under your belt... That's great. If you're starting a projector build - take lots of pictures! (we like pictures )

    Have you decided on a software/hardware package yet?


  3. #3
    Join Date
    Sep 2007


    Thanks Adam,

    Based on what I've read here, it looks like FB3 is getting some great reviews. If my understanding from the Pangolin website is correct, it looks like TTL outputs are supported by FB3 as an option. I'd like to include my beam table with the new projector, so I'd be curious if anyone has any details on beam table support possible with FB3 and the software that is included.


  4. #4
    Join Date
    Jan 2006
    Charleston, SC


    The FB3 supports TTL outputs indirectly via the DMX daughterboard. But you'll need a DMX decoder in your beam table, and probably a relay board as well. (Most DMX decoders can only deliver a few tens of milliamps to a TTL load.)

    As for the software, I'm assuming you'll be using it to play live, right? So that means you'll probably be using Live Pro, which has full support for TTL triggers via DMX. I'm reasonably sure that the LA Studio software also supports this for pre-programmed shows, but I don't have a license for the LA Studio software yet so I can't verify that. Maybe someone else here can chime in...

    Tell me more about your beam table... GM-20's, I presume? Did you build it yourself, or buy it from someone else? I'd love to see some pictures of it in operation!


  5. #5
    Join Date
    Sep 2007


    Yes...makes sense, that the optional TTL output support was with a DMX512-to-TTL decoder board, not directly from the FB3/daughterboard - something that I'll consider using after I purchase the FB3.

    I'm using STP 8x actuators. I'm pleased with these so far, as GM-20's would have been quite a bit more. Two optical bases, Thorlabs 12" x 24" and an Edmund 8" x 36" to play with, MM1's, redline beam turrets, etc. I stopped mid-way through this project a few years back, longing for a better controller over what I was then using. Planning to fix this soon with the FB3 and DMX.

    I'll post pics as I get closer to finishing this.


  6. #6
    Join Date
    Nov 2005
    Melbourne, Australia


    Quote Originally Posted by Buffo View Post
    The FB3 supports TTL outputs indirectly via the DMX daughterboard. But you'll need a DMX decoder in your beam table, and probably a relay board as well. (Most DMX decoders can only deliver a few tens of milliamps to a TTL load.)

    As for the software, I'm assuming you'll be using it to play live, right? So that means you'll probably be using Live Pro, which has full support for TTL triggers via DMX. I'm reasonably sure that the LA Studio software also supports this for pre-programmed shows, but I don't have a license for the LA Studio software yet so I can't verify that. Maybe someone else here can chime in...

    Tell me more about your beam table... GM-20's, I presume? Did you build it yourself, or buy it from someone else? I'd love to see some pictures of it in operation!


    Unfortunately, the DMX daughter board is dmx input only.

    If you want TTL/DMX control from LivePRO, then the QM2000 is the only way...
    KVANT Australian projector sales

    Lasershowparts- Laser Parts at great prices

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Jan 2006
    Charleston, SC


    Hi Dave;

    Thanks for the clarification. I'm a bit confused though... On the Pangolin website, in the feature list for the FB3 they list "optional TTL outputs"... I assumed they were doing that via the DMX port, but reading further down the page, it does say that the DMX port can only be used for control input to the FB3.

    So, if the port on the FB3 doesn't support DMX out, then how do they get TTL outputs? (Do they have some bare pins on the card that can be wired to TTL outputs, maybe?) Has anyone actually tried to use the TTL output feature on their FB3 yet?

    Last edited by buffo; 10-02-2007 at 06:43.

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Jul 2007
    Knoxville, TN, USA


    I think the TTL support for the FB3 is an OEM option that can be requested, but isn't generally available for us "normal" (I use that term loosely ) dudes....

    I can't remember if the LAStudio suite supports TTL or not - the FB3 is in the mail headed home (finally!!) so I can't check. I do know that with LivePRO USB that is / was available for the FB3, the TTL support is the section of the software that's been taken out - which makes sense, as there's no native TTL support on the FB3. From what I can tell, all the rest of the LivePRO USB software features (which are MANY!!) are the same as the package advertised for the LD2000 suite.
    Last edited by Stuka; 10-02-2007 at 10:33.

    Metrologic HeNe 3.3mw Modulated laser, 2 Radio Shack motors, and a broken mirror.

  9. #9
    Join Date
    Sep 2007

    Default FB3 TTL support

    My understanding after speaking with Hayden at Pangolin, is that the "TTL optional" reference on the FB3 site would have you using an external DMX-to-TTL converter board, as available from or

    No software support for this provided with the FB3, but use of a DMX controller would give you some options. This is my current plan for control of the beam table I am building.


  10. #10
    Join Date
    Nov 2005
    Melbourne, Australia


    Quote Originally Posted by Buffo View Post
    Hi Dave;

    Thanks for the clarification. I'm a bit confused though... On the Pangolin website, in the feature list for the FB3 they list "optional TTL outputs"... I assumed they were doing that via the DMX port, but reading further down the page, it does say that the DMX port can only be used for control input to the FB3.

    So, if the port on the FB3 doesn't support DMX out, then how do they get TTL outputs? (Do they have some bare pins on the card that can be wired to TTL outputs, maybe?) Has anyone actually tried to use the TTL output feature on their FB3 yet?

    If the USB module is not used, there are TTL outs available via the expansion header, however if it is used, they are all used for the USB module.

    Neo laser have a special custom board that uses the serial port, however I don't think its available to anyone but Neo.

    KVANT Australian projector sales

    Lasershowparts- Laser Parts at great prices

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