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Thread: What Software to use for ILDA for Newbie!

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Aug 2007
    Melbourne, Australia

    Default What Software to use for ILDA for Newbie!

    Hello Photon Lexicon Members,
    just got my first laser with an ILDA port, it has 20kpps scanning heads, 80mw green, 120mw red i think from memory

    Now as i am just getting into the ILDA side of things i was wondering if anybody had any reccomendations for a cheap ILDA software package or even better a free one that is out there so i can play around and understand this addiction a bit more!

    Anyone have any reccomendations for a cheap or free software?
    I have been offered Ishow for about $400USD is this good or bad?
    Or is there a freebie program out there?

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Oct 2006
    Central Florida


    Greetings and welcome!

    There is popelscan which is a free program the uses a fairly simple LPT DAC. I think HE-Laserscan will work on the same DAC but with limited features. Um... do you have a DAC? If not then you will then need to decide what DAC you want. I think you can get one of Norm's DACs that will run popelscan but with only one color; they are on eBay for $30ish and others here may have a hook up for that DAC. If you plan on strictly hobbist shows, but want that professional feel, then I would suggest Pangolin's LA Freak/FB3 set up. It has a DAC and software for around $500 and is probably the best bang for the buck...

    but... give it a little, others will definatly post more suggestions, or echo mine.
    Love, peace, and grease,

    allthat... aka: aaron@pangolin

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Aug 2007
    Melbourne, Australia


    Hi guys
    thanks for your quick reply
    SO i need a DAC as well do i?
    Any links to these DAC's?

    Michal - how much is that software?

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Jan 2006
    Charleston, SC


    Hi Nicko! Welcome to PhotonLexicon.

    Sounds like you're just getting started. Warning! Abandon all hope of ever having extra money at this point! From now on all your free cash will end up getting spent on your hobby...

    To control your projector, you need a controller, which is a piece of hardware that will talk to the projector. You also need software that will allow you to connect the controller to a computer. The software allows you to create designs that you want to display on the projector. The software will also allow you to put together a series of frames in order to make a complete show. The software sends these frames as digital data to the controller. The controller coverts the digital data to an analog signal, which is then sent to the scanners in the projector. This is why many people call the controller a DAC. Digital to Analog Converter..

    The poplescan software is free, and it will work with several different controllers, or DAC's. Here is a thread that talks about the controller that it uses (complete with schematics.) Norm's Homemade Laser Show is another controller that would work, though the link to his website seems to be down at the moment. (You might want to send him a PM, he's on the forums here as Legato.)

    On the other hand, if you're thinking about buying a commercial package, I strongly suggest that you have a look at the new hobbyist product that Pangolin has released. It's based around the FlashBack 3 controller (which uses the USB port to connect to the computer) and comes with the LA Studio software suite for designing and playing laser shows. It's $500 for the complete package (hardware and software). Several people here are running the package, and the reviews have been overwhelmingly positive. So give it some thought... (Search for "FB3" here in the forums to find more discussions about it.)


  5. #5
    Join Date
    Aug 2007
    Melbourne, Australia


    Quote Originally Posted by Buffo View Post
    Hi Nicko! Welcome to PhotonLexicon.

    Sounds like you're just getting started. Warning! Abandon all hope of ever having extra money at this point! From now on all your free cash will end up getting spent on your hobby...

    To control your projector, you need a controller, which is a piece of hardware that will talk to the projector. You also need software that will allow you to connect the controller to a computer. The software allows you to create designs that you want to display on the projector. The software will also allow you to put together a series of frames in order to make a complete show. The software sends these frames as digital data to the controller. The controller coverts the digital data to an analog signal, which is then sent to the scanners in the projector. This is why many people call the controller a DAC. Digital to Analog Converter..

    The poplescan software is free, and it will work with several different controllers, or DAC's. Here is a thread that talks about the controller that it uses (complete with schematics.) Norm's Homemade Laser Show is another controller that would work, though the link to his website seems to be down at the moment. (You might want to send him a PM, he's on the forums here as Legato.)

    On the other hand, if you're thinking about buying a commercial package, I strongly suggest that you have a look at the new hobbyist product that Pangolin has released. It's based around the FlashBack 3 controller (which uses the USB port to connect to the computer) and comes with the LA Studio software suite for designing and playing laser shows. It's $500 for the complete package (hardware and software). Several people here are running the package, and the reviews have been overwhelmingly positive. So give it some thought... (Search for "FB3" here in the forums to find more discussions about it.)

    Hahah Thanks Adam
    Lasers have always interested me when i have gone out, problem is i have two many hobbys as it is, Djing is my main but have bought 3 differentlasers for use at partys that we hold at a warehouse, the latest being my introduction to ILDA!
    I have looked at building my own laser (from looking around on these forums) and im amazed how you guys can piece it together and allign it all with such precision!
    None the less - ill check out the pangolian - The Moncha software recommended by mystery123 looks pretty good also, basic enough for a newb like me to make me look like a pro
    I have already downloaded alot of ilda files thanks to teh resource center on the photon lexicon FTP
    Just looking at options to see if i do pursue this hobby!

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Aug 2007
    Melbourne, Australia


    Any other suggestions for cheap or free software to control my RGY laser?

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Aug 2007
    Melbourne, Australia


    Decided on going for Moncha

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Jan 2007
    Anaheim, CA

    Default ..

    Hey Nicko.. Just curious.. Where are you from?

    I'm also a newb too and looking to get some software. Where do you guys suggest I get a DAC if i want to use popelscan? Also, anyone have a link to purchase the new Pangolin product?

    If you guys had <$500 to spend, what would you do. And where would you go to buy it?
    - instinct

  9. #9
    Join Date
    Oct 2006
    Central Florida


    Quote Originally Posted by instinct View Post
    Hey Nicko.. Just curious.. Where are you from?

    I'm also a newb too and looking to get some software. Where do you guys suggest I get a DAC if i want to use popelscan? Also, anyone have a link to purchase the new Pangolin product?

    If you guys had <$500 to spend, what would you do. And where would you go to buy it?
    There is a popelscan DAC from Norm on eBay. I don't have the link available but look in the industrial lasers category.

    If you have <$500 and want to get a DAC and software, I'd say save a little more to get the LA Freak package. If you want to get that, just PM Pangolin on here, or use this contact form from the Pangolin site. If not, check out this thread. It has a run down of what I have found for what prices.

  10. #10
    Join Date
    Jun 2006
    Charlotte, NC


    since your looking for RGY then i would go with norms

    see this thread

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